A Date With Jimin

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"About that date..." He trailed off.

"Of course." I smiled and hooked arms with him.

"Where should we go?" He asked.

A bright, mischievous smile formed on my face before I took off running, tugging him along. I saw a beautiful park as I made my way to the payphone earlier, but I resisted since being rescued was more important at the time.

"Here we are!" I shouted in elation.

"A park? But it's freezing! You'll catch a cold!" He exclaimed. He started taking off his jacket when I put out a hand to stop him.

"I'll be fine..." I assured him.

"If you say so." He said with a disappointed sigh.

I gently took his arm and led him to the bridge that ascended over the small stream placed in the middle of the park. It almost seemed like we were boyfriend and girlfriend, but I love Jungkook way to much. I'd never hurt him to go for one of his hyungs, or anyone for that matter.

"It's so pretty." I smiled up at the stars forming as the sun said it's final goodbyes. Within minutes, the sun disappeared and the dark sky was the only thing left.

"Remember when we were kids and we'd make up excuses to spend the night?" Jimin spoke up, interrupting the silence that flowed over us.

"Yeah... we'd sneak out to go see the stars." I chuckled at the memories. We were the best of friends back then. Him and I hated to be apart and when second grade rolled around, Hye entered our group along with Taehyung.

"I miss those days." He titled his head back and closed his eyes, allowing the cold breeze to brush his bangs away from his face. He looked absolutely vulnerable in this state. All of his guards were kept down and his worries seemed to protrude into nothing. What a lovely sight it was to see my closest friend so at peace with the world.

"You know, Jaemun... I always think about what I did to you back in 7th grade." He frowned slightly, slowly lowering his head and reopening his eyes.


"Because I hurt you... I honestly thought I broke you for good after what I did." He referred to his actions way back then, but I wish he didn't. Regret is the last thing I want him to feel when he looks at me.

"What you did was stupid, no sugar-coating needed, but when I needed you most you've always been there." I nudged his arm in an attempt to cheer him up. It seemed to work as he just smiled and returned his attention to the sky.

"But if I could take it back I would."

"I know... but it was so long ago. There's no need to hold it against yourself anymore. Hold only happy thoughts my friend. Happy thoughts." I brought a finger to my temple and winked towards him, making him laugh.

"You've always been such a wonderful person. It makes people like me wonder why you chose such a polar-opposite to be with." He mumbled. I feel bad for Jimin. When Jungkook came along, I wouldn't give him any attention, nor hang out with him. Sheesh, Reflecting on all of these negative memories sure sets a depressing aura for the evening.

"I'd like to give you a reasonable explanation, but the sad truth is, I truly don't know why I chose him..." I admitted. Jimin seemed shocked at my response as he was expecting a different answer.

"Well, whether it was "destiny" or you just had a feeling he was the one, I'll always be here for you... Even if I'm the person you hate most at that moment." All of his words made me smile like an idiot.

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