Decision C2

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Your eyes darted to the exit, and instead of thinking things through, you bolted towards it.

He reached his arm out and stopped you before you could get too far, though. And in an instant, you were pinned against the wall by his taller, stronger frame.

"W-what are you?" you choked out, voice barely audible.

He grinned darkly but didn't answer. The air around you suddenly felt very hot. You felt sick. A dull ringing throbbed inside your head.

"What do you want?" you persisted, screwing your eyes shut. "Why me?"

You felt his hand graze the flesh of your cheeks as his warm breath rolled down your neck nearly sensually. Your heart scrambling furiously in your chest.

"You're mine."

Your skin burned and you felt dizzy. You passed out before knowing how or why.

*Continue to Chapter 3

Decrepit Inside [Ruvik x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now