Object Class: Keter

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Ah, the Keter class.

Don't try to pet one, they won't like it.


"The Plague Doctor"

Object Class: Keter

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-049 is to be kept in a metal cubical cell with no windows, and only a door and camera to monitor him. He is to always be handcuffed and tied down with chains. There is to be one metal table for integration, and 049 is to always be sitting at it.

Anything 049 says is to be noted. He is violent and talks of a cure. A cure for a sickness that he tells nobody about. It seems like every living thing he meets has it, so there is doubt of there being a disease. The 'cure' he speaks of is death.

049, who prefers to be called Sci or doc, will try to kill anyone, claiming that it was for their own good. No amount of talking or therapy convinces him otherwise.

Description: SCP-049 wears a black cloak, black long-sleeved shirt, and a white mask. He resembles a plague doctor from the time of the plague. The mask or clothing cannot be removed by any known means.

Instead of the eyes being placed behind the mask like a human, 049 does not appear to have eyes. He seems to have pupils instead. Much like skeletal SCPs, 049 had large white pupils instead of eyes. They are placed in the mask sockets, as if the mask is 049's head. It is actually questionable if it is his head or not.

SCP-049 speaks of a cure and sickness(though he rarely speaks at all), but does not say what the sickness it. The 'cure' is death. It is theorized that 049 kills anyone who expresses one of the seven deadly sins in order to 'clean the world', though unlikely.

It is noted that 049 hates SCP-657(Death; Thaumial Class) with all his being. It is also noted that 657 cannot kill 049 due to his clothing and 'mask'.

All attempted interrogations have led to little to no information.



Object Class: Keter

Special Containment Procedures: The whole of SCP-076-1 and SCP-076-2 are considered one being: 'SCP-076'. Separating SCP-076-1 and SCP-076-2 does nothing but agitate SCP-076-1.

SCP-076-1 is to be kept chained with a GPS device on his left ankle used to track SCP-076-1 in case of breach. Should the GPS device short out, or anything about it goes wrong, check SCP-076-1's containment immediately. SCP-076-1 should be chained by the wrists to the ceiling, and the ankles to the floor.

The containment SCP-076 are in is a steel reinforced cubical room with only a iron reinforced door as entryway. Two guards are to be at the entrance at all times. Four cameras are to be in SCP-076's chamber at all times to monitor them.

Any instance of SCP-073 evading guards and entering 076's containment is to be noted.

Description: SCP-076 is made up of two components. A skeletal entity(SCP-076-1) and a Japanese-styled rapier(SCP-076-2).

SCP-076-1 is a male skeleton about 5'10 in height and about 70 pounds. His left pupil is while/gray while his right pupil is red. His official name is "Xcellence", which is thought to have come from the word "excellence".

SCP-076-2 is a silver rapier about 3.5(42 inches) feet in length. The handle is made of obsidian. All attempts to destroy SCP-076-2 permanently have had no effect on the blade.

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