Object Class: Safe

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The current Safe SCPs, and there will be more added.

If an SCP is Safe, that means it does not kill/harm things, unless it intends to.  Even if an SCP is Safe, that still means that it can/will cause other side-effects that cannot be reversed.

They mostly like it when they're pet.


"The Artifact"

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: It is to be kept in a 1.5 foot by 1.5 foot by 1.5 foot glass box. It does not need to be guarded. The box is to be kept in the A-Wing with other Safe SCPs.

Description: SCP-010 is a 1 foot by 1 foot circular/decahedron red ruby. It has tiny lines engraved it, forming small intricate patterns that form no particular shape. It always seems to be glowing and sparkling/shining.

Any living thing that comes in physical contact with SCP-010 will begin to show traits of a canine. They will first act like a canine, then slowly become one over the period of three days. The breed, age, and size is completely random. There is no known cure for this.

"And that is why we wear gloves in here." - Dr. Penaloza


"The Tree"

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-038 is to be kept at site [REDACTED] in a cubid chamber with the needed things for a tree to grow. It must be water once every two days. Coming into contact with SCP-038 is not allowed, unless it is for testing. It is FORBIDDEN to touch or pick any of SCP-038's fruits, let alone eat one.

Description: SCP-038 is a tree roughly 40 feet tall. It has healthy green leaves, and seasons have no effect on it. It's fruits seem to glow. The tree grows not one, but two types of apple-like fruits. Golden/yellow and black/deep purple. Both store incredible power that cannot be used without consuming them.

The golden ones radiate incredible positive emotions, while the black ones give off a depressing and sad aura. If a living thing comes into physical contact with either kind, a large blast of energy will shoot through it, blasting the living thing back. If touches with a non-living thing, such as gloves, nothing will happen.

If a living thing consumes one of SCP-038's fruits, there are multiple outcomes. If only 1-2 is eaten, then the living thing will gain powerful magic depending on which one she/he/they ate. If multiple ones are consumed, see test 1 and 'the Halluciv Incudent'.

Test #1: Questioning SCP-682 on knowledge of SCP-038 recently after containment.

Dr. Joku: Okay...so, why were you guarding SCP-038?

SCP-682: *mumbling in another language, not making eye contact*

Dr. Joku: *moves the microphone closer* We need to understand what you are saying. Why were you guarding SCP-038, and why were you with it in the first place?

SCP-682: *barely coherent* Let us go.

Dr. Joku: I'm sorry, but I can't-

SCP-682: *growls and threatens to kill Dr. Joku*

Dr. Joku: Threats are not need-

SCP-682: *attacks, immediately trying to kill Dr. Joku*

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