Chapter 20- princess agents (1)

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The war of trust has started....

Third POV...

"Let's go " ismail shouted zoey was up stairs in the bedroom " I'm coming" she say and run down to him. Zoey was dressed in a tight high waist jean's and a crop top with a Bratz written on the front. Her hair was place in high bun, ismail was dressed in rip jeans and white t-shirt with jordan shoes.

He locked the penthouse door and the two were off Zoey was riding with Ismail in his Land Rover. The drive to the city was full with laughter and jokes " aren't you afraid someone might see us?" Zoey asked ismail.

" no I don't care" ismail told her and squeeze her hand the drive to the city had came to end and zoey and ismail got out and walked to the mall. "Hey Dr. Han can I have a picture? " a lady run up to ismail and asked him " sure " he told her deep down he didn't really want to take the picture but zoey told him go ahead.

Zoey was waiting but she got bored and walked off to the Gap store " hey Zoey what are you doing here?" A voice say from behind Zoey, it was princess with " oh hey Miss chan what are you doing here?" Zoey say trying not to give away anything. For main reason she was messing around with a married man who was princess husband but also she was out shopping with him and princess was in the mall also.

" just shopping for kids things" princess told her " oh kids stuff aren't you a only child!" Zoey asked her. "Yes didn't I tell you I'm pregnant?" Princess say zoey look down at her hands and saw baby clothes in both of her hands. "No you didn't umm sorry I have to go I'm running late" zoey told her trying to finish up the conversation fast. Zoey put all the clothes she had in her hand down and hurried out the store.

She walked pass ismail and hurried to the parking lot and pulled her cellphone out and called ashley asking her to pick her up. Ashley was close by she had school today, "wait zoey what happened? I saw princess and you were talking what did she tell you ?" Ismail asked zoey.

"Oh so you want to know what she told me but you wouldn't tell me that you two are expecting a child together. You couldn't tell me she's pregnant for you when are you going to stop lying to me and keeping things for me. You knew all along and you played me use me, you are the worst Dr. Chan. I hope your child never has to meet someone or fall in love with someone like you" zoey told him and push him out the way.

Princess was by the door of the mall watching everything happen and smiling, "zoey I'm sorry I know I should of told you but that doesn't change my feeling for you please" ismail told zoey. He grab her by the hand pulling her back to him " I'm not letting you leave me like you did before you hear me. You can't leave me zoey hart I wouldn't allow it, if you every leave me I will make it my mission to make sure you are never happy" ismail told zoey.

"What the hell? You can't do this ismail " zoey told him angrily " watch me baby girl I'm not going to let anyone come between us again" he whispered into her ears and suck in her neck.

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