The Lake Of Rage

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We just arrived at Augustine's summer camp, it's a thing he does every summer for Pokémon trainers. It was right next to a beach which is cool I guess. "Hey, are you alright?" Red asked as I looked at the water nervously "I'm fine" I said nervously "you're thinking about Growlithe aren't you?" He asked it's just every time we're near a beach or something I can't help but think about it and blame myself. No matter what anyone tells me I'll always blame myself for Team Rocket taking him away from me that day" I told him sadly. My Pokégear began ringing, it was Lance, bout time I had a mission it's been months since my last one. "What do you want Lance?" I questioned "well hello to you" he chuckled "Lance" I said in a threatening tone, "Johto HQ in an hour. We have a mission, mysterious radio waves came a mile out from the Lake Of Rage, one of the effects from it is a red Gyarados being forced to evolve. Ethan will be there to help us out too be there" Lance told me "hahaha real funny" I said rolling my eyes. "I'm not joking, if it wasn't for him we wouldn't even know where the waves came from" Lance responded "then you can do this on your own. I'm not working with... that thing!" I argued "Y/N" he sighed "oh c'mon Y/N, Ethan's not that bad" Red teased "yeah I mean he only beat you in Pokémon battles five times in a row" Ash snickered "five times? I thought it was ten" Red laughed, I glared at them both killing their laughter "fine" I huffed "just don't expect me to help him if he gets in trouble, I'll see you in an hour" I said before hanging up.

"Y/N, I can't believe someone beat you in a battle and ten times in a row too!" Clemont said in shock "I'll think you find that he beat me no more than two times!" I corrected him "oh of course he did" Red said sarcastically "yeah well at least I didn't go moping on a mountain for six years!" I huffed "that's just cold" he pouted "whatever. I don't know when I'll be back so I'll see ya when I see ya" I sighed "you're goin already? Thought you didn't have to be there for an hour" Red said "yeah but I can't just teleport from one region to another, I'd pass out before I started the mission!" I lied, I just wanted to spend some time with Augustine before I left before walking off and a few minutes later I bumped into him "oh hey! I was just looking for you!" I laughed "well you found me, what's going on? You're not leaving are you?" He asked in a dissapointed tone "don't have a choice, I just got told I had to go to Johto for a mission" I told him "I see, you'll be careful though won't you?" He asked "of course, I just wanted to tell you and say bye first" I said "I see, well good luck. I'll see you soon Y/N" he smiled before kissing me softly "I'll see you later" I smiled before teleporting to Johto HQ.

"You're early. That's a change" Lance joked "yeah well these new powers are pretty handy what can I say" I replied before we headed to the debrief room. "When are we meeting up with the brat?" I asked "you're not still angry that he defeated you in a few battles are you?" HE asked amusingly "I wouldn't mind losing to him if he wasn't such an idiot and if he didn't rub it in my face" I replied. "You never change, we're meeting him in Mahogany town tomorrow. You gonna go back to Kalos or stay here?" He asked "well I told them I wouldn't be back till the mission is over so I'll find a hotel or somethin. But you've gotta go there one day, there are a lot of dragon types there as well as other types. It'll definatley be worth the trip" I told him "I'll think about it. Unlike you this isn't the only thing that keeps me busy" he laughed "excuse you? I'm a Champion! It's not my fault if I don't get any challengers" I argued. "Kanto league has been pretty busy actually, of course we've had to close it until I get back, still we've had 20 different trainers this past week!" He said "no way! That's crazy, a lot of people must wanna battle me" I laughed "of course that's the only reason" he said sarcastically "oh shut up" I said back before we entered the room.

It'd just be me, Lance, Ethan and our Pokémon. Or objective was to find the source of the radio waves take it down and arrest those responsible, shouldn't be too hard but first we needed to calm the Gyarados down it was rampaging near the lake of rage. Must be angered by its sudden evolution. "I think you were right about it, seems real angry and it's definatley not acting normal" I agreed with Lance. The red Gyarados attacked us with hyper beam "protect" I said and the shield protected us from the attack, Lance's Dragonite then countered with Gyarados a few times, the Gyarados seemed to calm down and dove back into the lake then swam away. "Now that has been dealt with it's time to deal with the radio waves themselves" Lance said "yeah, according to intel it's at the back of a souvenir shop so let's get going" I responded, when we got to the stalls I used x-ray vision to see if there were any false walls or secret entrances. "Found it" I said, one of the walls at the back had a secret entrance at the bag, Dragonite used mega punch to break a hole in the wall, there was a slide which probably led to the place we needed to be "ladies first" Lance offered "lady? You must be thinking of someone else" I chuckled before going down. 

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