Breaking Titles At The Chateau!

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After helping Team Rocket and Officer Jenny get unhypnotised by an evil Malamar, we decided to take a little break. We were chilling out in a Pokémon centre near Camphier town. Tada!" Serena sang as she showed us a picture on her phone, it was a picture of some sort of mansion. "What's that?" Ash asked "the battle chateau, you're gonna love this place Ash! It's nearby so let's go!" Serena exclaimed "sounds like a neat idea but what kind of battling do we do there?" I asked "you have normal single battle but when a trains wins the battle they earn something, though I'm just not sure what" Serena answered. "That sounds cool, maybe your reward is some kind of badge" Ash said with a smile "let's see" Selena said as she she tried to find out more information. "Noble title yo" someone from behind said, he had a Fletchinder on his shoulder, the boy who was with him had a Fletchling. "What's that Pokémon?" Ash asked "that's Fletchinder, it's Fletchling's evolved form" I answered but Ash and Red still scanned it with their Pokédex. "How do you know that? Did you seen one whilst travelling to Camphrier town?" Clemont asked "yeah, I saw one. My Fletchling evolved" I told them before releasing my Fletchinder from it's Pokéball. "Woah you don't waste time training do yo Y/N?" Serena asked "no I don't and I like to bond with all my Pokémon that way when they battle they know that we have faith and trust in them" I told them all. "Anyway what's a noble title?" Ash questioned "yo you're not from around here yo" the guy said, after more annoying 'yoing' the guys told us to follow them to the chateau as they were heading over there now.

When we got there, we saw a guy climbing on the walls! Nico decided to battle another Baron called Farrell, if Nico won he'd become a Viscount. Nico battled with his Fletchinder whilst Farrell battled with his Dusknoir who attacked first with thunder punch, if it lands Fletchinder is gonna take a lot of damage! Nico attacked at the same time with flame charge, just before Fletchinder hit Dusknoir it disappeared which was no surprise really it is a ghost type after all. Dusknoir reappeared and attacked with thunder punch which actually landed but Fletchinder was still ok and attacked with flame charge which also landed "that Fletchinder is incredible! It survived the electric attack that's really impressive" Red noted "yahoo" someone called from behind us, it was Viola the Santalune gym leader. Turn out she comes here a lot and has the second highest title: Duchess. When we looked back at the battle field, the dust had cleared from Fletchinder's attack and Dusknoir had fainted! "Even after an attack like that Fletchinder still had enough power to beat Dusknoir with one attack, that's crazy!" I exclaimed, I've never seen anything like it! Nico became a Viscount, when everyone applauded the guy who was climbing the walls from earlier crashed onto the floor.

"This is Grant, he's never seen a wall around here he didn't love. Also he's strong" Viola laughed, "they told me the rules, I'd like to battle you so I was wondering what your title was" Ash told Grant "my noble title is Duke" Grant replied before it was time for Ash and Chester's debut Pokémon battle, they put on the weird capes and got ready for battle. Just like at Parfum Palace, I had another weird vision, Ash was gonna win the battle with thunder bolt. Time to make some money! "I'm putting 20 on Ash, you in?" I asked Red, "...make it 50 and you've got a deal" he compromised "alright 50 it is" I agreed "do you two always make bets when Ash has a Pokémon battle?" Serena asked "not all the time" we both answered. It was Fletchling VS Pikachu "pay up" Red told me "it hasn't even started yet, you don't what's gonna happen besides Pikachu has the type advantage here" I told him "heh if Pikachu finishes with thunder bolt you have to give me 10 extra but if Fletchling wins I'll give you 100" I told Red "ok you're on" Red told me. Pikachu started off with thunder bolt but Fletchinder dodged and used agility increasing its speed, Pikachu then used electro ball but none of the attacks hit. Fletchling then used feather dance and lowered Pikachu's attack power before attacking with steel wing, the two began fighting with steel wing and iron tail for a while before iron tail was able to do some damage. And just like I saw Pikachu finished it with thunder bolt "YES! WAHOO GO ASH!" I yelled happily "give me my money boy!" I told Red, he huffed and handed it all over!

Before Viola could take a victory picture she was challenged by Grant. He would win with Onix who would finish with rock tomb and flash canon and then become a Grand Duke"20 on-" "I can't I'm broke now until I get more cash out" Red sighed "aw man but Grant's gonna finish it with Onix's rock tomb and flash canon" I said under my breath "what was that?" Red asked "oh nothing" I smiled, I think it's best I keep this whole thing to myself. They'd all treat me differently if they knew I don't want that I don't want whatever this is to take away my friends and family, that'd be the worst thing ever and I don't know what I'd do if that happened. Another vision had come true and the battle exactly like I saw it would. Are my new abilities linked to Pokémon, I know Xatu can see both the future and the past but that's a Pokémon and if that's true and I do have Pokémon abilities where did they come from unless...Team Rocket! It must have something to do with that serum that Jesse gave me it's the only logical explanation I can give right now. "We'll probably see each other again at a gym before we battle each other here" Grant told Ash "Grant is the Cyllage city gym leader" Viola told us.

"Rock, paper, scissors now!" I told Red "right, this time I'm gonna win and battle first!" He said "that's what you think! Rock, paper, scissors shoot!" I shouted "hahaha yeah! Scissors beats paper!" I cheered "whatever" Red huffed "aw is somebody becoming an angsty teen again?" I asked teasingly "give it a break will ya, every bet you've made since we got here you've won what's up with that?" Red asked "beats me" I lied "Ash, your Pikachu is incredibly strong, I'll be looking forward to that but of course I'm more excited about being challenged by two champions your strength is by far the most impressive so until then" Grant told us before leaving. I'm gonna beat Onix with Charizard, it worked when I battle Brock's Onix with Charmander and his Pokémon also use rock tomb against me better watch out Grant, I'm ready for ya!

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