Frosted Window

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Jack Frost's Point of View.


I flew all around the world, making children believe. Filling the streets with snow, they smiled. Their smiles make me happy.

As I pass by Arendelle, I notice something strange. I haven't filled the place with snow yet, but why was that window frosted to ice? I just had to take a peep.

I saw a young girl who had blonde hair that almost looked white. She had fear in her eyes and the room was covered in ice. Did she have ice powers like me? Was I not alone? I wiped the mist on the window to get a better view.

She was talking to her parents, muttering words I couldn't hear. Then they slipped gloves on her hands. They were saying something. I couldn't quite understand. Then suddenly, her face lightened up a bit as she looked in my direction. Does she see me? Does she believe?

She walked close to the window, tiptoes as high as she can in attempt to reach me. I just smirked, making images of animals on the frosted window. She smiled, overjoyed. She took off a glove and layed a finger on the glass, making the animals disappear. Out of shock, she gasped, returned her glove and her eyes shone with fear again. I just chuckled softly, returning the images. She smiled again.

Then the moment was to be ended. I had to leave, continue making other children happy. But her smile made me happier than ever. And the fact there was another person who controlled ice and snow.

I would continue to visit her everyday, doing the same simple thing. She would always smile and watch silently. Her smile always lighting up my day of hardships. She would always make me happy just by smiling at me. And I know it's strange, but her smile makes me happier than every other smile in the world.

Some days she would make a snowflake pop above a gloveless hand and we would share laughs. Even if it isn't funny, we laugh. Sometimes I would make an image of a butterfly or bunnies and she would smile wider. I don't know, but it's become a daily routine to me. Going to her window and making little images for her to see.

She would age, but still she sees me. She still smiles at my petty images. She still makes a snowflake hover over her hand. She still believes in me. And I still go to her window. I still enjoy her smile. I still enjoy her company, even if we don't speak.

Even if she's a queen now, and she's busy with paperwork, she'd stop it all just to come close to her window. I'd make an image and she'd fearlessly join me, a snowflake hovering over her other hand. Then we'd crack up at out messy creations. She'd smile. I'd smile. Then off I go.

One day, she was first to make an image. I arrived with a snowflake image drawn over the glass. I'd smile then create my own unique snowflake on the glass. She'd notice then she'd come close making a prettier snowflake. Then I'd try to outshine hers. The endless cycle of snowflake making. We'd smile at each other's work. Then at the end, we were left with the prettiest snowflake. The one we both made, together. We smiled at each other, then I had to go.

She was older now. Her face a bit wrinkled but I still smiled to see. She'd still go to the window for another image-making match. I would still make the same images that made her smile. And there, her smile warms me with joy. No matter what the day, we'd see each other. We'd still make the same little images. And we'd still smile.

But sadly, a last day had come. She was on a rocking chair, positioned to face the window. She had whiter streaks of hair all over her head. She had more toned wrinkles. But even if she was old, she smiled. And that smile made me happier than ever.

She made a heart shape on the glass. My cheeks turned red. Warmth consumed me. She actually loved me. I'm just a spirit. Just some guardian. Yet she saved her heart for me to take. And here I am, dumbfounded. Struck with such warmth that I have never felt before.

No wonder I was always so happy to see her smile. No wonder she would always save time for me. No wonder. She loved me. And now I realized it, I loved her. Not like a child but like a lover. I loved her, and it was real.

I smiled warmly, touching the glass. Another heart formed, entwined with the other. She smiled. The smile that always made me happy. Then she touched the glass, an Elsa formed in her heart. So her name was Elsa. Elsa. It was a melody to my ears.

Then I touched the glass, Jack forming in mine. I never felt happier than ever. She loved me and I loved her. We were meant to be together.

She smiled, making a snowflake float over her hand. Then she closed her eyes. And fell into deep sleep. The snowflake floating around her room. But then, it wasn't just sleep. There, just like that, she died. With a wide smile on her lips.

And there, just like that, I never saw her again.

I would visit her room, sad she's not there. But our two hearts still stayed there. And that made me smile all the time.

No child's smile could make me happier than hers. Nothing ever brought me warmth like her making that heart. And seeing it always lightened me, even if I couldn't see her anymore.

And then, suddenly, a snowflake image appeared on the glass. Right above our hearts, was our perfect snowflake. The one we made one day. But I didn't do it. I smiled, knowing that maybe, just maybe, it was her.

She was my perfect snowflake. And I hope she knew that.



A U T H O R ' S N O T E

Yay remake! Btw, I didn't include the part where Elsa goes away and builds her ice palace. I skipped it since it would make this a little less romantic and all. Yeah, so.. yeah.

I have no idea where I got this idea. Short stories basically are petty ideas that pop in my head. And I just write them here. Despite the length, they're perfect to me.

I hope you liked my remake more than the sucky original. I mean, it was cut short. And the ending sucked like hell. I mean.. ugh! I hope you understand.

Was this touching? I just wanted to know. I mean, I almost cried writing this. So, yeah..

Btw the pic in the side, I edited that. It's the heart that Elsa and Jack made on Elsa's last day of living. I decided to edit it so yeah.. Sorry it sucks, I edit badly (I think).

Well, I'm ending this A/N short. Toodles.

V O T E | F A N | C O M M E N T | S H A R E

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