Two Lost Souls

415 17 17

T W O   L O S T   S O U L S
Modern AU || Third Person Point of View

[Trigger Warning: Mentions of Depression and Death]


He never expected someone to understand him. He was always ever so lonely.

She never expected someone so alike her. She was always ever so alone.

Both of them were just two lost souls, lingering on the surface of the earth.

But that was before they found each other.

The night was covered in hundreds of stars that glimmered in the night sky. The city skyline was glowing in neon lights and different screaming colors. The moon was full and bright, reflecting the shadows of trees and lamp posts onto the cement street.

It seemed like a perfect night.

But for Elsa Winters, never is that the case.

She may look like she leads a very wonderful life that could just make you wish you were her, but in reality her life isn't your fairytale. Or hers, in fact.

Because how can someone wish to live a life with nothing to live for?

She's been building a wall around her heart, adding one brick and a layer of cement every single time she wakes up the next morning. Wearing a smile as a mask to conceal her true feelings - hurt.

Her story's never been told. No one ever wanted to listen, anyway.

So she never spoke about it to anyone. Keeping it all deep inside her heart, hidden underneath the bricks she's been stacking. Wearing her smile like makeup.

No one seemed to care.

Sometimes, she really feels hollow. Other days, heartless and numb. But often, she simply feels alone and worthless. Because she had no one by her side to listen. No one to speak to or turn to when in need.

No one who loved her.

But she's used to being alone. She's used to being lonely. She's always often ever been that way. So she lives her life, thinking that it's totally normal to be on your own, fighting life's challenges with no one to support you through them.

She's used to it because that's how it has always been.

The wonderful evening began to shatter as rain began falling, tainting the streets with puddles of water. The stars slowly vanished one by one from the night sky, and the moon was overshadowed by dark grey storm clouds.

The beautiful atmosphere of the night was gone.

But Jack Frost didn't care one bit.

The days will just come and go and even the weather changes won't make a difference in his life a single bit. Because really, what can the atmosphere do to piece up his heart? Nothing at all.

Let it rain, let it pour. Let nature take its course.

He's never really known what it's like to be loved. Or what it's like to love. Because all his life, he's been on his own. And only loneliness was there for him. It was the only friend he had - loneliness.

Nobody bothered to know his story. Nobody wanted to.

He never talked to anyone about what he really felt deep down. Never letting anyone know about his utter sadness. He's simply chosen to bury it with the remains and residues of his heart.

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