I might be...

490 21 12

I woke up with the rising sun, I looked to my right just to see Jacob sleeping peacefully... I smiled and got up. I got in the bathroom and took a quick shower then, I dressed up:

 I got in the bathroom and took a quick shower then, I dressed up:

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

    Once I was ready I went downstairs and made breakfast.


-So, where you kids wanna go today?-Jacob asked the kids finishing his pancakes.

-Umm...-Logan started

-I wanna go to the new park!-Lucy said

-Yeah? Logan? Do you wanna go to the new park too?-I asked him and he nodded.

-Ok then park it'll be.-Jacob said and I smiled.

   Suddenly outta nowhere I felt nauseous and dizzy, I got up and ran to the bathroom and started to throw up, all my breakfast was gone now... I felt someone holding my hair back. I finished what I was doing and flushed the toilet. I thanked Jacob for holding my hair and then he helped me clean myself.

-Are you ok?-He asked.-do you wanna visit the doctor? We can leave the park for some other day if you want...

-No! It's ok, I feel better now, lets take the kids to the park.-I smiled

(That same day at night)

    I looked at my calendar, the 13th, and my period hasn't come yet, I was starting to worry. I pulled out a pregnancy test outta the cabinet and did what I had to do, as usual I'm supposed to wait 20 minutes till the results come out.

-What are you doing?-i Jumped a little and turned back hiding the pregnancy test behind me.

-Um... I... nothing.-I said quickly.

-______, what's behind you? What are you holding?-Jacob asked. I sighed and rolled my eyes. I handed him the test. He looked at it and back at me again.

-I might be, it's not sure but I might...-he smiled and for serious then smiled again.

-Whatever it is, if you're having a baby it will be great, and it'll grow with Lucy and Logan and we all will be happy...-I nodded and smiled.-are we supposed to wait more?

-Yes, it's been 15 minutes.-I said looking at my watch.-another 5 minute.-I said. He lifted me up and sat me on the sink surrenders and gave me a peck.

-it'll be ok.-he whispered in my ear. I smiled and nodded again.

   We stayed there for the other five minutes. I thought about how good it'd be to have another baby, or how bad it'd be, we are working things out but if we have another break down it'll be three kids to have to take care of by myself...

-20 minutes...-I said.

-Do you want me to look at it?-he asked and I slowly nodded. He looked at it and said...

-The test says that you...

Don't Let Me Go (sequel of Neighbors)- JACOB SARTORIUS AND JOEY BIRLEM fanfic حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن