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I opened my eyes slowly. I didn't really feel like taking the kids to school or even waking up but I had to. I looked the clock, 5:23 am. I stretched my arms and stood up. I walked to the kids room and woke them up. I helped them get ready and then I made breakfast. I looked at my kids eating. I just hope they'll forgive me for what I'm doing to them. I really am being a bad mom.

I sent Logan and Lucy to the bathroom so they could wash their teeth. I got a text message from Joey and opened it.

Joey B😩❤
Wanna got out after you drop off Logan and Lucy ?

Sure, why not. I'll see ya at the park

Joey B😩❤
Aight, see ya. Love ya

Love ya too

I dropped the kids off and went to the park where I saw Joey sitting on a bench. I sat next to him and smiled. He looked at me and smiled too. I kissed his cheek and said...

-Where we goin?

-Iceskating.-I smiled.

-Sounds Good.-I said

-I said

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-Oh my... it's been so long since the last time I was here...-I looked around

-Same.-Joey said and hugged me.-Lets have some fun.- I nodded and kissed him.

(Listen to that while reading)

-I... love you.-I said and kissed his cheek.

-I love you too.-he said smiling and pulling me closer to him. I smiled and looked down. I looked back up.

-Lets go.-I giggled.


-Hold up!-Joey said and I laughed. I kept going and eventually fell on the cold ice. I laughed and got up.-You ok?-Joey asked and I nodded.

-I'm ok.-I said and he smiled. He somehow got to me in less that 10 seconds, cupped my cheeks with his hands and kissed me. I smiled mid-kiss and turned around and kept skating. I was having so much fun.

Joey tried to chase me but fell. I laughed and helped him out. I looked deep into his eyes and smiled.

I have always loved his eyes. I can't even take so much cuteness.


-We should get going, I have to pick up Lucy and Logan in less that 30 minutes.-I said and Joey nodded


-Logan, is not ok to leave class without permission you know.-I said and he looked away. He got in trouble for leaving class without permission.-Logan look at me.-he slowly looked back at me.-Promise me you won't do it ever again.-I said and he looked down and back up.

-I promise mom.-I smiled and kissed his head.


God! Being a mom is really complicated. But I honestly love the feeling of having two human beings to take care of and to love. They're the reason I'm here. I would never leave them alone.

Don't Let Me Go (sequel of Neighbors)- JACOB SARTORIUS AND JOEY BIRLEM fanfic Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant