"OH MY FUCKING GOD," Ryan yelled as he burst out into an uncontrollable laughter. "TAKE A FUCKING PICTURE. THAT IS PRICELESS."


I simply just kept looking at what had caused my shock. I felt my breath hitch and my stomach flipping as he looked me back in my eyes with such a cocky smirked across his face.

"What's the matter Justin?" He asked so calmly.

I was speechless. So many emotions were shooting in and out of my mind. I was upset. I was confused. I was pained. I was angry. I was terrified. I just couldn't find a way to express myself.

"Well?" He asked as his smirk extended, if that was even possible. Ryan and Chaz by now had somewhat composed themselves and had taken to standing next to him. The two of them patted him on the back as they looked at me in amusement. Finally I managed to stutter something out pathetically.


Sam looked at me with a sarcastic look before he walked a little closer to me, bending down to be on the same level as me.

"You look confused," He said as he let out a little chuckle to himself. Well, he wasn't wrong. But I also felt a lot of other emotions but I just didn't know what to say or do.

"W-why?" I asked simply.

"I don't have to explain shit to you," he spat as he reached his hand out and placed it in my hair. "But how about this..." He grabbed a hold of my hair tightly. "You." He stood to his feet which caused me to rise to mine in agony as well. "Are a fucking," he continued as he grip between tighter. "Worthless faggot." So soon as he had finished saying those words, his other hand had been balled into a fist and met my face with a force that caused me to fall backwards and onto the ground.

I reached to my face and looked down at my hand, only to see blood. I knew that he had probably broken or spilt something open. But to be honest I wasn't concerned about it, I was more concerned with what had just happened. By now tears had begun to fall down my face uncontrollably.

"Now," Sam spoke as he interrupted my thoughts. "I want you to watch this." Sam turned around and took and hold of Ryan. The two looked at each other, then turned to me with a look that I would only describe as spite, then they turned back to each other and sank each other tongues into one another's mouth.

I closed my eyes not wanting to watch any of this. The hardest part was knowing that a boy who I had called a friend and put trust into was now attaching his mouth into a guy who has made me so broken. My heart felt like someone had sucked the life out of it and I felt my mind slipping. I did not know what to make of any of this. I felt like I had hit rock bottom and if possible, even lower than that.

I curled back into a ball and started to rock back and forth, trying to shake away this whole mess. I knew that I was hated, but this? This is just cruel. Had this been planned? If so, when? What did want to achieve from this? If it was to hurt me, then they have far from achieved that.

"Now guys, what do you say we get the real party started?" I heard Sam playfully say and I continued to stay in my ball. This was it. This is probably how they planned this whole thing to go, and the ending would mean the ending of me. I shivered at the thought of it. I knew that I have wanted to leave this world for a while now, but I always wanted to do it on my own terms. I wanted to say goodbye to my mum first. I wanted to make sure I went out the way I wanted to, not the way some monsters had planned.

I felt multiple hands grab at my shirt before I was hoisted up into the air without warning and thrown onto a nearby sofa. I opened my eyes and saw that Sam had taken a seat next to me as Ryan and Chaz were walking over towards Jason, whom still looked completely out of touch with reality. They both tried to lightly shake him and snap their fingers at him, trying to see if he would respond. But he was too far gone for that. They looked back to Sam and I before smirking and ripping Jason away from the sofa, which caused him to slam against the ground with a thud.

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