Gabriel Fleamont Agreste

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Name: Gabriel Fleamont Agreste

Age: 43/965

Birthday: 26th of November, 1051

Zodiac sign: Sagittarius

Height: 190 cm

Hair: Silver

Eyes: Sky blue

Skin: Pale

Weight: 85 kg

Blood type: AB

Parents: Fleamont Santiago Agreste and Liona Belleville Shade

Wife: Adrianna Leya Rowling

Children: Celina Adrianna Agreste

Powers: None

Occupation: Doctor

Home: Forks, Washington, USA

Birthplace: Wavre, Belgium

Hobbies: Reading, working, being with family

Likes: Reading, working, being with family, hunting, Celina

Dislikes: The Volturi, bad people, wolves, sunny days

Status: Immortal

Things that can kill him: Ripping his head off and setting him on fire

Actor: None

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