Levi x Reader

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Y/n's pov

I walk down the corridors of the survey corps. I occasionally smile, and say hello to the other survey corps members but all the reactions I ever got were terrified, confused, or they just ignored me all to together.
I feel so much like a ghost here.
I stop at a door that I fondly visited, Levi's door. I take in a deep breath knowing it will smell like lemons and enter the room. Everything was tidy as per usual.
I look at Levi working on paperwork. He seemed too concentrated on his work to notice me, so I take a step forward. A noticeable creak was heard from the floor making him look up from the papers.

"Shitty glasses, is that you? Im trying to work here," he said with a annoyed tone.
I smile and reply back, "haha, very funny, Levi!" I did my signature finger guns motion at him, when he suddenly looked up again.
"Who is there, Shitty Glasses I swear if you are playing a prank on me-"
"Levi, stop acting like I'm not here, it's not funny!" I cut him off as I lower my hands. He stands suddenly and walks out the door abandoning me with his paperwork.
I sigh and run after him out the door, closing it of course. He was heading for Hanji's lab for some reason which made me confused.

"Levi, stop ignoring me!"

Levi's pov

I walk away from my office. The voices wont stop, but I bet it's coming from Shitty Glasses and one of her silly pranks. The voice sounded familiar, however. Like someone I used to know.
I stop in front of Hanji's door and turn the knob to open it. I walk inside and slam the door shut making her turning to me.
"Levi, what are you doing here?" She asks with her crazy ass grin.
"I want you to stop your goddamn annoying pranks!" I yell at her getting frustrated but she only gives me a confused look. "What pranks are you talking about?"
I let a tsk escape my lips.
"You know what, stop with recording a cadet talking then putting the recording in my office!"
She looks at me with a raised brow. "First of all, Im not doing anything to you. And second of all, who's the new cadet?" She asks

I give her a look of confusion before turning to find a cadet that I have never seen before.

Y/n's pov

After listening in on their discussion I cross my arms. "C'mon guys, this prank isn't funny!" I say to them starting to feel betrayal. I've worked with them for ten years, how could they have forgotten?
"How did you get here?" Levi demands.
Thats it.
"Levi Ackerman! I have worked with you for ten years but all of a sudden you've forgotten about me? Hell, it's been four years. Four years!" After my outburst I start to feel tears bubbling in my eyes.
Hanji and Levi look at each other, Hanji with a concerned look while Levi held a frustrated expression.

Flaaaaaashhh Baaaaaaackkk

I sit next to Levi as he filled out all of the paperwork he had. "Hey Levi?" I ask him out of the blue. "What is it, Y/n? I have a lo of paperwork to do," he says to me not taking his eyes off the paper.
"When I die, you'll remember me. Right?" I ask him with my brows forming to create a sad expression. He averts his attention to me and said, "Of course I will. What kind of person would I be if I didn't forget such a filthy brat like you," his smirk was evident on his face.
I laugh and suddenly hug him. "Haha, thanks Levi," I said in a joking matter.
"Tsk, brat. You made me make a scribble on the paper!"

End of flaaaaaaaaaaaaasg baaaaaaaaaaack

I clutch my head in pain. What is it with these damn flashbacks? I look up to look at Levi and Hanji that held shocked looks in their eyes.

"Y/n," Levi choked out nervously.
I look at him waiting for answer and hear him continue on with, "You died four years ago."
I felt my heart skip a bit, if I had a heart at least. I gasp and clutch my head again.

Flaaaaaaash baaaaaaaaaack

Me and Levi stood next together watching all of the hideous titans run around.
"I'll be ok Levi, just try and take down as many as you can!" I encourage him adding it with a smile. He was snapped out of his thoughts when he heard me. "And you try not to die," he simply said as he flicked my forehead.
"Hey, that wasn't nice!" I say to him with a pout.
"Life isn't nice,"

Time skip

I sliced the back of another titans neck. I was getting tired from all of the titans but I kept going.
I start to see a titan coming close to one of my friends, F/n. I quickly leaped into action with my 3D muonuvor gear helping me get there.
I came up behind the titan and sliced the back of its neck.
"Are you ok, F/n?" I ask them with concern.
They reply with a shaky tone, "y-yeah, just tired. I'll be ok, go on without me,"

Knowing F/n to be a strong person, I let them be. I make it onto a tree with no titans in the area.
I start to hear stomping coming from behind me, but it was too late.
I was slammed forward to another tree and before I even knew it,
My vision went black.

Flaaaaaaash baaaaaaaack eeeeenddsss

I shake me head and wipe away the tears.
"Haha, very funny guys, but just stop already!" I scold them in a tone ready to break down.
Levi walks towards me and bends down to hug me.
But he went right through me.

He looks back up to me with tears clouding his eyes, losing his usual stoic expression.

"I'm sorry."

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