Chapter 12

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Nico's POV

I honestly have no idea what's going on in my brain right now. I walked into my cabin and slammed the door close. I groaned in frustration and ran my hands through my hair. I swear Aurora Potter will be the death of me and I have no idea what she's playing at. Maybe she just wants to be your friend or possibly something more. No she doesn't SHES just messing with and then she's going to leave you like everyone else. My conscious told me ugh. Shut up you stupid little voice in my brain. Her sea green eyes like Percy's were so mesmerizing and beautiful. And her fair skin like snow and red Shi- wait what. No no no I am not thinking like that I liked boys I like Percy but then again there could be a possibility I could like girls. Why am I so damn confusing. And there is no way I son of Hades the dark weird creep of Camp Half-Blood am going to like a stupid girl. But then again she's so much like me.... No. She annoying and pushy and doesn't stop trying until she gets an answer. And she's clingy as hell. But then again she's giving me a chance, a chance that no me else gave me.

Aurora's POV
---------------- next day

"Ok everyone listen Athena's cabin are going to Guarding the flag, Aphrodite cabin is going to be the bait, Hephaestu's cabin is going to be fighting, Percy you can guard the river along with Aurora and Nico"said Annabeth sounding very serious. We are all on the Blue team so yea go blue. When the horn blew everyone went in there positions. I didn't know Nico did this stuff, he didn't seem like someone to play Capture the flag. When we got to the river the red team had some members already there. A burly guy with brown hair and green eyes ran my way and I took out my weapon and when he slung his weapon which was an axe I blocked it with my sword but then he kicked my in my stomach way to hard making me fall to the ground and drop my sword. I picked up my sword and tried to hit the guy with my sword and it worked and I hit him on the arm. He may be strong but he wasn't fast. I kicked him in the balls and then pushed him into the river. Two more people went to attack me one a girl and the other a boy. One of them went to hit my arm and the other my leg. I managed to protect my leg but not my arm. There was a deep cut there now. I kicked the girl back and she fell and then I took the weapon from her hand and she put her hands up in surrender so I gave her weapon back and she ran into the weapons. Now the boy. He swung at me and I did the same and our weapons clashed into an X. He pulled away and I side stepped and tripped him making him fall. I put the non pointy part of my sword against his head hard knocking him out. But before I did his sword hit the side of my stomach and a deep gash appeared. I fell to the ground and I heard a voice in my head. Touch the water, go to the river. And I listened to it. I crawled over to river that wasn't that far and I touched the water. The river's water started going up my arm and I could feel myself getting stronger and heeling. My eyes went wide and what made me more shocked was that I wasn't even wet. I looked around and found Percy and Nico staring at me shocked as well. Percy's mouth was wide open like he saw a unicorn. I got up from the ground and Percy was about to say something. When the blue team came out of the forest along with Cheron. cheering with Annabeth on their shoulders with a flag in her hand. Suddenly the rivers water started rising like a tsunami and everyone became quite. Some people drawing there weapons. "Percy what's happening make it stop" said a random person in the ground. "I don't know what's happening, I can't control the water there's a much bigger force around it" said Percy sounding very worried. The water started coming closer and closer and I didn't even realize what was happening until it happened. The water had engulfed me and swirled around me and fast. I screamed scared. "I can't make it stop and I can't go through it either Aurora just hold on ok" I heard Percy scream through the thick water. I felt the water tighten around me and then it just completely vanished back into the river. I looked around me and everyone gasped. I looked into the river and saw my reflection. I was in a two piece turquoise mermaid gown. My hair was now blue in beach waves and a gold crown with seashells was on my head. My makeup was perfectly done, and I had gold and blue jewelry on and white pumps. But the most surprising thing was an ocean blue trident was on top of me just hanging there.

My Ghost King ( Harry Potter and Percy Jackson crossover)- Nico Di AngeloМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя