Chapter 11

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I wanted to get on Nico's good side so what do I do. I go over to the Aphrodite cabin and go to the Nico Fan Club.
"Ok so he's the son of Hades right so he has a bunch of cool powers like rising the dead shadow traveling controlling ghost and stuff. As we all know he has this dark and mysterious look like he's going to punch someone in the face. And rumor has it he likes happy meals" said this one girl named Amber with a dreamer on her face. "Thanks" I told her walking out of her cabin before I would stuck in there getting a make over. So happy meals huh that's not weird. I went to the Hermes cabin and thankfully no one was in there. I took out my  wand which was an oak Phoenix feather 11 and 1/2  inches. "Accio two happy meals" I said. And two red boxes appeared in front of me with a yellow m on it. I opened one of the boxes to see a small box full of chicken nuggets, apple slices, a juice box, and a little dinosaur toy. I closed the box and headed out the door with two happy meals in hand. I headed towards the Hades cabin and some people gave me strange looks noticing where I was going. I knocked on the door and no one answered so I knocked again. I heard footsteps coming closer and Nico answered the door with a blank look on his face. He wasn't wearing his jacket and I finally noticed the small amount of muscle that was hidden under his jacket. "You wanna have lunch with me" I asked him with a smile on my face and a blush forming on my cheeks. Holding up the two happy meals in my hand so he could see them. A small smile went on his face but as soon as it came it went. But now his face held a look of amusement. He thought about it for a second before closing the door. I sighed and  started walking away. "Hey Potter where do you think your going wait up" said someone. I turned around to find Nico running towards me but his aviator jacket on fully cloaked in black. "Common lets go to the lake" he said walking ahead of me now. I followed him there and sat down on the grass handing one of the happy meals to Nico. "I hope you know this isn't a date Aurora" Nico said taking a bite of a chicken nugget. A small smile formed on my lips. "You called me Aurora" I teased him. "I did didn't I, well don't get used to it potter" Nico said but his voice wasn't cold if anything he sounded like he was teasing me. As I ate my food I just stared at Nico with a comfortable silence in the air. The dark eyed boy took out his little dinosaur toy and started playing with It making me giggle. He looked at me in surprise like he forgot I was here before scowling at me "don't laugh at me Potter or else I will make your life a living hell" Nico said but there was a blush forming on his cheeks. Oh my gosh I just made the Nico Di Angelo blush. "I'm not laughing at you cause I think your funny to laugh at Nico I'm just laugh  cause I find it cute you still have some innocence  left. If anything  I'm jealous" I softly replied to him. "Why would you be jealous of me" he said now frowning.  "Because before I came here I lived in England obviously cause of my accent but anyways. I was never loved by my family my brother and his friends used to physically and mentally abuse me, in school since my brother was popular managed to get the whole school to hate me. My mother used to hit me sometimes to when she got really angry and my dad just ignored me. At age 10 I realized I had to take care of myself my innocence and childishness went away cause I realized how cruel the world could be." I said my voice cracking in the end and I felt a warm feeling on my face and when I touched it I felt a tear. "My grandma was the only one who actually loved me but she died by a heart attack when I was 12" I said. I just said my whole life story to a complete stranger wow good job Aurora now he's probably going to leave to. But I felt a giant burden leave my shoulders when I finally told someone and let it out. I looked up from the ground to look at Nico but he didn't have a look of pity on his face. He held a look that said I know what it's like which I am thankful for. "My sister died when I was younger her name was Bianca. She joined this group called the hunters which is lead by the goddess Artemis. She went on a quest with Percy and this other girl but she didn't make it out alive. She was the only family I had since my mom died when I was a baby. And my father I'm pretty sure he preferred my sister. I wasn't excepted into the camp until Hades helped the Olympian Gods with the war. He got excepted there and me here and before everyone hated me. I have another sister her names Hazel, she's from camp Jupiter where there are Roman Gods and Goddess. She's nice and all and everyone loves her but they treat me and her so differently. While she's liked I'm not I still love her though don't get me wrong." Nico said explaining his story. We weren't that different and I think Nico realized that to. "What was Bianca like" I asked him putting my hand in his and rubbed my thumb agains his hand. He tensed at the contact but relaxed. "She was the best, she was kind, pretty and brave, and never managed to not amaze anyone. She used to play Mythomagic all the time even though some people called it a children's game" He said smiling at the memory. "She sounds great" I said and he nodded. "I should get going I have some stuff to do" said Nico after a few minutes of silence.  And before I could reply he disappeared in the shadows.

My Ghost King ( Harry Potter and Percy Jackson crossover)- Nico Di AngeloWhere stories live. Discover now