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Samantha, frustrated with the turn of events her life had taken, logged onto the superhuman database and started to sift through all of the supers ever known to have the power of teleportation. There weren't many, much to her dismay, and many of them were either dead, or retired heroes.

Sam ran her fingers through her hair and leaned back in her desk chair. She closed her eyes and tried to think of all of the possible ways to get a group of people out of a surrounded building without being seen.


Samantha typed it into the search bar and only came upon one active villain with the power. By the looks of it, he didn't seem like too big of a threat. All he ever did was petty crime, so what would inspire him to kidnap a superhero? Unless he was working for someone else...

Samantha shook her head as she continued to read about the Vanisher. It wasn't likely he was the culprit. According to his page, he could only make organic tissue disappear, so if he was sneaking all of those people out of the bank, they'd all have to be butt naked. It was highly unlikely, and quite disturbing to think about.

She figured he probably wasn't her man, but decided to write him down on a list of suspects regardless. There was always a chance, even if it was a slim one.

Next she looked at Mass Man, a supervillain who could change his size and weight at will. He could've made everyone super tiny in order to sneak out undetected. Samantha almost immediately dismissed the idea when she read he couldn't effect anything but himself.

She thought some more, burying her fingers in her hair as she tried to figure out how everyone disappeared.  The had to have gotten out somehow. The police had the place surrounded. They couldn't have...

Samantha froze and let the idea mull over in her brain. It was possible. Entirely possible.

Opening up another tab on her computer, Samantha pulled up a map of the city's underground sewer system. After about an hour of studying it, she determined that it did, in fact, run underneath the bank.

The only question was, was there a way to access it from within the bank? Grabbing her house keys and the backpack with her suit in it, Samantha set out to investigate.

She was almost positive they had gone down, she just had to figure out how.

If there was a way to get down there from within the bank, then it could've been anyone behind the kidnapping. Super or non-super. But if there wasn't, that meant that someone with powers specific to getting people underground was behind it.

Samantha paused. What about a portal?

Groaning, she decided to check this out first before she started going through more possible suspects. Otherwise she would probably give herself a headache.

When she arrived at the scene, she found most of the area taped off with yellow caution tape. She ducked under it and walked up to a few police officers conducting an investigation.

"Evening, officers," she greeted with a tired sigh.

"Evening, Hush," one of them responded.

"Have you made any progress?" she asked, looking towards the entrance to the bank.

"Not much," the man answered honestly.

Knowing that it would probably help them find Edison faster, Samantha shared what information she had uncovered.

"It is to my understanding that there is a sewer pipe that runs below this area. I believe that could've been the way they escaped, but I would like to look around inside to see if I can find some sort of entrance. May I?"

The police officers looked at each other before one of them said, "We're collecting evidence from inside. We can't have you touching anything-"

Hush hovered a little above the ground and assured them, "I won't even touch the ground I'm walking on."

The same officer studied her for a moment before nodding his head sharply. "You have ten minutes."

Samantha nodded before jogging into the bank, not once leaving the sound of a footstep. She wasted no time in beginning her search.

She watched the floor, looking specifically for tears in the carpet along the walls, indents where furniture had been moved, or anything else that may reveal a secret passageway leading underground.

She found nothing, which she couldn't decide if she was relieved or discouraged by.

Either way, she decided she was going to go home and do some more research on supers with the power to access a sewer system without a clear way down.

And supers with the power to create portals.

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