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Ethan was wandering through the streets with Talon close beside him. One of the best uses for his powers was to locate crimes before they happened, something Talon had recognized early on and used him for on a regular basis.

To tell the truth, Ethan was beginning to feel like a metal detector. He often mused to himself that he should start beeping, but figured that would only make him look like an idiot.

Some arguing up ahead had Talon in the air. He flew to the scene and landed on the concrete sidewalk with a dull thud. Then he proceeded to try to resolve the argument before it could escalate.

Ethan was about to assist him when his phone went off. He pulled it out of his concealed suit pocket and saw the caller ID read Asshole.

Ethan frowned, wondering why his best friend was calling him at one in the morning. With curiosity getting the best of him, he accepted the call and put the phone up to his ear.


"HEY, BABE!" Noah's voice screamed into his ear. Ethan winced and pulled the phone away from his ear, noticing the heavy amount of background noise coming through the phone.

"Noah?" he asked, gingerly bringing the phone closer to his ear. "Where are you?"

"One sec!" he yelled before he heard the sound of a door closing and the background noise muffling significantly.

"Where are you?" Ethan asked again.

"So, cool story..." Noah chirped at a closer to normal volume. "I have this secret college boyfriend that I forgot to tell you about and he invited me to this party. It's super awesome. I crowd surfed earlier, and there's this pretty cool beer pong thing, and this blue jello-y shit, and I think I'm drunk- Ah shit."

"What happened?" Ethan asked worriedly.

"I spilled my drink. Anywho, I have no idea where my secret college boyfriend went, because I can't find him and it's really late and I'm drunk."

"So you're saying you need me to come get you?" Ethan asked, looking down the street to where Talon was taking care of the argument.

"I think so," Noah said. "I don't know, actually. What were we talking about again?"

"Where are you?" Ethan rolled his eyes.

"Timmy Cramer's house, I think."

"I don't know Timmy Cramer," Ethan deadpanned.

"Oh, right, right. Um, I think it's like 330 on Lyndon Street or some shit like that?" Noah sounded uncertain, but Ethan figured he could probably find a party by only knowing the street name.

"Alright. I'll be there in thirty minutes," Ethan sighed and looked at Talon, who was starting to walk back to him.

"You're the real MVP, man!"

"Yeah yeah. Don't drink anything else, okay?"

Ethan didn't hear his response because the background noise was back. Rolling his eyes, he hung up and looked up at Talon.

"My idiot friend is drunk at a party. I have to go pick him up."

Talon nodded, "Alright. I was thinking about wrapping it up for the night anyway. Good luck."

"Thanks," he said as they went their own separate ways.

Ethan stopped at home first to change out of his suit and to grab his car keys. His parents were heavy sleepers, so he didn't worry about waking them up while starting the car. Besides, if it did wake them up, they'd pass it off as the neighbors because Ethan was a pretty good kid in their eyes.

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