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Shadow kept a close eye on the princess for a while now before he was confronted.
"So, do you just dislike her or is there something more to it?" Blaze asked, jumping down from the stone wall she walked on to the grassy ground that the hedgehog sat on. "I'm not sure what you mean." He mumbled, his blood red eyes quickly glancing up, holding her amber gaze before breaking it. Looking down at his sword, he polished it with a sigh. "We both know you aren't oblivious to it." She said, standing by his side, looking up at the full moon. "Pretty, isn't it?" She hummed in agreement. "I think your secretly jealous." Blaze said, her ear twitching at the sound of his armor clattering as he removed it and stood up. "I don't think so. Something just seems off about her. I've seen you also watching her. So, I could only suspect that you are curious about her or cautious." The hedgehog stated, watching as the the female's tail and right ear twitched, he could hear it too though. It was far but close enough for them to hear. It was the sound of grass under someone's feet and something running against the stone wall. They were creeping up slowly towards them as the two looked at each other before giving a nod. The female cat silently jumped up a tree that stood a few feet away and blended into it's shadows in the leaves. Her eyes blinked once before they dimmed from their golden color, looking back to where the hedgehog once stood, only to find him and his armor gone. Only evidence left was the grass that was patted close to the ground, showing something once was there and her foot prints in the dirt where it was bare. She blinked once more, ear twitching to the slight breeze that passed her before seeing the evidence gone. Suddenly she hears someone coming up close, they run under the tree before stopping. Doubling over to put their hands on their knees, panting slightly as if they'd just run. At first, the cats eyes widen in surprise before narrowing in curiosity but is pulled out of thoughts when she hears a sudden voice making her jump up, letying out a hiss before landing on the grass under her. The other lets out a laugh, wiping away a fake tear before asking if they're okay. "I'm just fine Sonic." She answered glaring slightly, her cheeks heating up a bit in embarrassed at how he caught her by surprise. "Sonic, what are you doing out here so late?" Came a voice startling both of them, making them turn to see the ebony knight who was back in full armor. Actually, how did he put it on so fast and quiet?! She could do it fast and loud or she could be quiet but take forever. She guessed it was from how long he's been training and maybe those rumors about him being an alien or a strong, fast, smart creation from a doctor was true. She'd have to recheck again because it's never been documented down, or been in pictures. Some only know he existence from either meeting him or seeing him. "Oh, yeah, well. . . Um, nothing! Yeah, nothing. I'm perfectly fine! Not running away from someone! Er, I mean something! Yup, I'm good!" He announced, giving a nervous smile as he held up his hands up defensively. "Liar." "You're lucky you guys are friend Lancelot, or else your be in big trouble." Blaze said, causing the Prince to laugh. "Yeah! She's right! You should be careful!" Sonic announced but the other only grunted before answering with a shrug, "I would've told them anyways." The cat only purred in amusement before she silently walked away with a wave, reciveing it back and a holler of 'good night'.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2017 ⏰

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