Chapter 4: Anything Goes

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I must have still had a look of confusion on my face, as she kept talking.

"Alright, um, this place used to be Washington D.C. You know, Congress, the President, democracy, all that good stuff?"

I still looked confused, causing her to groan in frustration. "Oh come on, you can't be that dense. D.C., United States, North America, the planet fucking Earth. Is any of this getting to you?"

"I... by the Nine..." I looked down, trying not to think too much about it.

I had thought in the back of my mind that this might be a possibility. But I figured that it wouldn't be likely. Impossible, even.

"I'm not from here..." I muttered.

"Yeah, no shit you're not." Cat responded, drinking some more.

"No, I mean I'm not even from this plane. You called this place Earth. Where I'm from, it's called Nirn. This... this isn't the same place..."

She looked at me suspiciously. "Wait, are you telling me that you're an alien or something?"

"I... I don't know how to respond to that." My mind was still spinning from the revelation.

"Okay, my turn. How did you do that stuff earlier, when we were fighting the Behemoth? I saw his attack go right through you."

"Oh, that." I said absent-mindedly. "It was magic, obviously."

This time, Cat had become confused.

"I- I'm sorry, I don't think I heard right. It was what?"

I looked at her curiously. "Magic. A shout, to be precise. Just like a dragon. I mean, I assume you're familiar with magic, judging by all the amazing weapons and items you have."

Cat just shook her head. "Magic doesn't exist. Everything's cold, hard science. This isn't some fantasy game where your problems can be fixed by some magic words."

I tried to let that sink in. This world is just full of surprises.

"Then I know my next question." I pointed at the music making device on the table. "If there's no magic, then how does that thing work?"

Cat looked over at it. "The radio? It's uh..." She hesitated, then looked me straight in the eyes. "There's a man in there that we shrunk down, and now he makes music and talks through it every once in a while."

I gave her a look. "I may not know much about this world, but I'm not stupid."

She cracked a smile. I couldn't help but blush when she did. She looked so pretty when she was happy. I was mainly drawn to her eyes, green as emeralds and glimmering like them too. But I could see sorrow behind them. She's seen things in this world.

"Sorry, could help it."

Realizing I was staring, I looked down at my bottle of Nuka-Cola. "It's fine..." I muttered.

She picked up the radio and looked at closely. "It actually a bit more complicated. But the short version, there's a radio station in downtown D.C. that lets out these things called radio waves, which are basically sounds that travel in the air, but we can't hear it. The radio picks up the radio waves, and turns them into sounds that we can hear."

"You guys can do that? Even without magic?"

"Like I said. Science. Gob, two shots of whiskey."

He set down two small glasses filled with a brown liquid in front of Cat. She then passed one of the glasses down to me.

I looked down at the glass cautiously.

World On Fire: A Skyrim/Fallout CrossoverOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz