Chapter 1: Worlds Collide

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Nirn, Tamriel, The Province of Skyrim

It's Fredas, the 17th of Last Seed, 4E 205, four years after the Dragonborn had saved the world from Alduin, the World Eater.

Life had gotten relatively quieter for the savior. After not only stopping Alduin from devouring the world, but also saving it from other threats such as Miraak and Harkon, Torunn felt like she's seen just about everything that could be thrown at her. Which, to her, felt kinda boring.

Torunn and her faithful and sarcastic companion Serana were taking small jobs from the Jarls of the other holds to keep themselves busy. Right now, they were delving into an abandoned ruin to clear out a cult that was causing trouble near Riften.

"I don't understand how these guys were considered a problem. Any mercenary could stop them. No point in asking us to do it" Serana commented as she cut down one of the cultists with her dagger.

Torunn sent another cultist flying with her daedric warhammer, barely paying them any attention.

"Would you rather sit around at home all day? Or maybe do some "target practice" with Isran back at Fort Dawnguard?"

Serana frowned as she sent an Ice Spike spell towards her opponent, finishing him off. "Point taken..." she muttered.

They traveled further into the ruin, taking down the rest if the cult members. They were about to make it into the main chamber, until Serana stopped them.

"What is it?" Torunn asked.

Serana furrowed her brow in frustration. "I'm not sure. Something doesn't feel right."

Torunn listened for any movement, and heard two distinct voices. They slowly crept closer, still hidden behind the wall of the corridor.

"How long do you think it'll be until they get here?" Torunn heard echo from the chamber. The duo stopped in their tracks to listen.

"Not sure. Probably soon. I felt our master tell me that they're close."

Torunn gripped her warhammer tight, ready to charge in. She listened as their footsteps echoed, getting louder and closer. Almost... and...

"Now!" Torunn yelled as she slammed her warhammer into the legs of one of the cultists while Serana crippled the other with an Ice Spike spell.

Torunn pinned one down, keeping her foot planted on his chest. The cultist tried to get up, but to no avail. He glared at her in frustration.

"Tell me who your master is, or you get a close up of Mjölnir here." Torunn threatened, getting ready to swing her hammer down on him, the weapon crackling with electricity from it's enchantment.

The first cultist, despite being threatened to have his head squished like a grape, didn't crack. So, Torunn "cracked" him a different way in front of his friend. When threatening to do the same, his friend went a different route.

"I-I can't say his name. He forbade it!"

Torunn raised her hammer, but the cultist started talking again.

"Wait! H-he said you met him before! Helped with a certain, er, 'problem' in Solitude! Something about a hip bone and cheese...?"

Torunn put down her weapon, the realization dawning on her.

"Sheogorath? What in Sithis does he want with me?"

"I don't know! He just told me to come here! He doesn't say specifics."

She sighed. 'This is more complicated than I thought' she said to herself.

"Alright, get out of here."

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