23. The Corellian Treaty

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AN: In case you missed it, our boy Cassian is getting his own series on Disney's streaming service! It starts filming next year <3 My heart is so full. Hope this huge word count chapter makes up for the hiatus!

Ringing overpowered Cassian's hearing, causing him to clutch one ear in pain. Blood dripped down onto his fingertips, smearing all over his hand. He blinked a few times, attempting to comprehend what actually hurt on the inside. He yearned to speak, but his deafened ears prevented him from hearing how loud he actually spoke. "Is everyone okay?"

The others that had fallen near him talked to one another. Some held their wounded arms. Sprained wrists and legs were stretched out, the rebels too in shock to even feel the pain through the adrenaline. Others caressed their heads where some blood fell from. Cassian stumbled over to the Senators, helping them stand up one-by-one, even if he could barely keep his balance. All of them nodded, their words muffled by the ringing and numbness of Cassian's ears. Once composed, they helped the others.

As Cassian's hearing slowly came back and the ringing disappeared, he heard himself mumble over and over, "Talia?" His dark eyes searched around frantically; his hand gripped the broken chunk of wall to catch himself. Panic built up in his system when he didn't see Talia at all. She was right next to him when the ship crashed. Where could she have gone?

A noise clambered from the cockpit. A few seconds later, Talia barely braced herself against the doorway, the blood on her hand caused her to slip. Her dazed self stumbled for a second, eyes wide and full of fear. Dark red plasma seeped into most of her Imperial coat.

In a rush, Cassian dashed over to her, his chest constricting with worry. "Are you hurt?" He reached his hands out to set on her shoulders, eyes glancing over her for wounds in an attempt to find out where all the blood came from. I don't see anything. Under her clothes, maybe? Did something stab her? Hot metal? Glass? More thoughts piled up rapidly, making his head spin more than it already was.

Talia paled. Had something hit her? Was she wounded? Her body felt numb; the pain hadn't settled in yet. Shock tore apart her thought process. Her brown eyes looked deeply into Cassian's, but the daze prevented her from forming words. She shakily pointed to Kalla in the cockpit. A belt and cloth stanched the blood on the starfighter pilot's leg.

Even during the crash, Talia thought about others. Admirable in Cassian's eyes. A crashed pilot would be hurt worse in any situation, so it was quick thinking, despite being in shock herself. Talia could be stubborn all she wanted, but she'll always have a kinder heart than him. He'd never admit that out loud, though. He called out to the others as he squeezed Talia's shoulders lightly in appreciation, fighting the urge to hug her tightly, "Kalla needs help walking."

Sadako stood up, wobbled a bit, and walked over. No one else was capable of helping a half-conscious Kalla, much less aiding themselves. "I'll take her." Talia nodded and shakily hoisted Kalla up, setting the pilot's arm onto Sadako's shoulder.

Kay-Tuesso spoke up from the sidelines, "Cassian, the crash d-damaged my system." He held out his left arm as it spazzed out, jerking from side-to-side in small bursts. A spark or two flew off from the circuits inside of him.

Inhale. Exhale. Cassian looked at him in the eyes as hesitation tore at his core. The Rebellion needed a droid like him. On the other hand, there were always casualties of war, and right now, the only one he was willing to lose was a droid. "You need to protect the Senators at all costs. That is still your job right now."

Noticing Kaytoo's head tilt signifying confusion, Talia rested her shaking hand on his malfunctioning arm. She forced her breathing to steady, and in between breaths, she took mental notes on his condition. With a small smile, she reassured him, "I can help patch you up when we get back to the base. For now, you will be okay."

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