Chapter 5

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Sarah Pov

I got up and remembered it was Thursday. Almost the end of the week. I did my usual routine. I walked downstairs and saw another note.

Dear Sarah,

Sorry baby. I had a business trip to attend. I'l be home in five days. I made you some homemade hashbrowns for a breakfast snack. Anyways Love you.


I put the note away and ate. I walked to school with my music playing. Al caught up to me and started listening with me. Mike came a little after and put his arm around me. I blush but you couldn't see it.

"Hey Mike." I said looking at him.

"Ya." He answered.

"Nevermind." I said putting my stuff away. Al walked me to history and Mike walked with us still with his hand around me. I said bye to Al and me and Mike sat down. Everyone still staring at us. A few seconds the teacher walked in.

"Alright class. Today is your last day on working on the project. It is due tomorrow so be prepared." He said and told us to work with our project. Jasmine walked up to us and asked if she could speak with Mike. I let them go and continued on drawing for the project.

Mike Pov

When Jsamine, my girlfriend walked up to us I looked at Sarah who was working on the drawing part.God why is she so beautiful. Wait. What am I saying. I thought. When Jasmine walked up to us she asked if she can talk to me. Sarah didn't mind it so I went with Jasmine.

"Hey. I know we barely started dating. But do you.... Like Sarah?" She said a little sad.

"As a friend. Nothing more and nothing less. She would say the same thing." I respond.

"Really. Are you sure?" She asked not completely convinced.

"I'm sure." I said.

"But you had your hand around her." She's still not convinced.

"Soooo. That's how we act." I said.

"But that's called flirting." She said. Now that she says it I have been flirting with her without knowing. Does she think that? Nevermind that.

"But that's how we joke around. It doesn't mean anything." I told her.

"Ok." She said smiling. She then hugged me and we went back to our seats.

"Hey. What was that about?" Sarah asked still drawing.

"Nothing really." I answered.

"Ok." She said holding the 'k'.

The bell rang and I went to Science. I saw Al well I was walking. He gets on my nerves. I saw him walking Sarah to math. Dang it. I should of walked her. I thought. The thing that I hate about science is that Al is in the same class as me. I walked in and sat in my seat. Al walked in short after sitting with his 'friends'. They were talking pretty loud. I heard one of them ask, "So do you actually like Sarah or is it just a bet again?" A bet. What. I thought.

"I actually found the one. So don't screw this up. Ok." Al said. He sounded pretty serious.

"But she's pretty. No promises." Another one said.

"You wish you can get her. Even Al is shy around her. Don't you think you will too." One of them said.

"Ha ha. Very funny." Al said.

Soon after the teacher walked in. All I could think of waa if Al talking about the truth or was it a lie.


Sarah Pov

I walked out of science to see Mike talking to Al but he was mad. I decided to eavesdrop.

I heard Mike ask, "So is it just a bet or do you actually like her?"

"Why does it matter to you. You don't like her so she's on the market." Al responded.

"Because I'm her best friend. So is that a yes, your using her?" Mike said.

"No I actually like her so leave me alone." Al said. I blush a little at what he said. I pretended to just to walk around the corner looking at my drawings.

"Oh. Hey guys. Can you help me to what drawing of this character is better?" I saod pretending to not know what they were saying.

"Ummm..... Sure." They both said.

"Is something wrong." I said.

"No..... So what do you need help with?" Al said looking over my shoulder. I showed him drawings that I actually need help with. He gave me his advice. Mike got mad again and started leaving.

I grabbed his arm. "Hey where are you going?" I asked.

He looked at me and said, "Can I talk to you alone?"

"Sure. I'll be back." I said.

"Alright." Al responded.

Me and Mike walked off outside and to a tree. We stand there for a while until I sat down with Mike following. I put my head on his shoulder. He then said, "I still think you shouldn't hang out with him. He is a bad person."

"It's fine. He's different around me." I told him got a little mad and got up.

"But still I don't think you should hang out with him. He's going to hurt you and I don't want my best friend getting hurt." He said looking at me.

"I won't. I'm fine. You're just to over protective. You're like a.... A dad sometimes." I said a little mad.

Mike Pov

Our first argument since a while and she said that. I don't know why it hurt me. "I just want you to be safe. I'm not acting like a dad." I responded

"No? Then what are you acting like?" She asked. I opened my mouth but she just continued. "Just forget it. I'm going back to Al. Maybe he'll be different then you think. See you later." She walked off. I let her go. Why?

Sarah Pov

That was our first fight in a long time. It hurts but he was acting weird. I believe he has changed. Why does life hate me. I went to search for Al. He was with his friends and he asked to hang with them.

"Hey Al." I said

"Hey Sarah. Wanna hang with us?" He asked

"Sure." I said smiling.

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