Chapter 3

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Sarah Pov

"Hey." I said. She looked around.

"Is Mike here. I need to talk to him." She said still looking around.

"No but If you tell me your name I'll say you came by." I said looking at her.

"Oh.... Ok. My name is Jasmine Mayfair." She said and walked away. Ok that was weird..... Again. After a while Mike came barging in.

"I'm home. What's for dinner?" He said acting like we're married. He always does this.

"I don't know. Learn your manners and maybe I'll feed you." I said playing along.

"Dang. Your so cold." He said closing the door.

"No. I'm pretty warm." I said sarcastically.

"Shut up."

"I'll shut up when you stop being ugly." I said. Looking on instagram. I don't post or anything. I just look at the videos and art. They're really cool and funny.

"You're so mean."

"Thanks." I said. After a while we worked on a project. An hour and thirty minutes past and we decided to take a break. We ordered sushi this time.

"Hey." He spoke.

"What's up." I said looking at the books to get an image of what to draw for the project.

"A girl confessed to me today." I looked up and he was getting up and went to the kitchen. My heart shattered but as a friend I was being supportive.

"Really. When? What did you say?" I asked looking back at the books. He looked confused and a little sad.

"Um at lunch and I said I'll think about it." He said in a kinda sad tone.

"Kool and what's so bad about that?" I asked wondering.

"Nothing. Just thought you should know." He said and got a water bottle from the fridge.

"Oh. Thanks for telling me. Who was it tho?" I asked. Trying not to get upset.

"Her name was Jasmine Mayfair." When I heard that name I felt I lost all emotions.

"Oh. She was the girl who came by yesterday and today asking for you. She said something about it being important. But you should do it. Date her. What's stopping you?" I said trying to stay positive.

"N... Nothing. And no wonder she came. I should call her when I get home. But you think I should?" He asked confused.

"Totally." I said regreting my words.

"Alright I'll tell her." He said looking sad.

"Is something wrong?" I asked.

"No....." It was awkward until the doorbell rang. It was our food. We ate and he left giving me a hug. I went to my room and layed ther thinking of what I did wrong. Eventually I fell asleep.

Mike Lowell Pov

I thought she would say no or something. We are best friends. She would speak the truth and tell me what was up. I should call up Jasmine to see what's up and tell her my answer.


Sarah Pov

I woke up and did what I had to do. I was thinking of ditching today but at the same time not. I walked down stares and saw a plate of pancakes on the food bar with a note. I opened it and started reading.

Dear Sarah,

Sorry baby. I had a to go to work but we are still going for tonight. I made your favorite Chocolate Chip Pancakes to apologize. Anyways Love you.


It read in cursive. I ate and went to school listening to music. After a while someone grabbed the earphones and asked what I was listening to. But instead of Mike it was Al.

"Oh hey. Just some random stuff. Don't really have a favorite gener of music." I said putting them away.

"Oh you don't have to put them away. I want to listen." He said smiling. I nodded and we started to sing to Cake by Melenie Martinez.

"Your skin is warm like an oven, your kiss is sugary sweet
Your fingers feel like cotton when you put your arms around me
I feel like I'm just missing something whenever you leave
You've got all the ingredients except you loving me
And respectfully

I'm not a piece of cake for you to just discard
While you walk away with the frosting of my heart
So I'm taking back what's mine, you'll miss
The slice of heaven that I gave to you last night"

I thought it waa cool that we listen to the same music. After a while of walking we arrived at school and took me to my class. We said bye and I walked in and sat at my seat. Everyone was staring at me. I heard some whispers like 'did she finally get a boyfriend?' or 'she's not with mike anymore. I thought they were a cute couple.' and etc. I didn't mind it and saw Mike. I put my head down without even saying hey. I fell asleep then Mike woke me up.

"Hey it's time to work on our project." He said a little mad.

"What's wrong?" I asked getting up and stretching in my seat.

"Nothing." He said still mad.

"You sure." I asked a little scared.

"Yes no come on and lets work on the project." He said grabbing my hand and holding it tight. I started drawing the pictures because we had to. The bell rang after a while. And I walked out of the class and Al walked me to my next class.


I walked out the filled with Al by my side we were still getting to know each other. Then he asked a weird question.

"Hey Sarah, are you..... Dating anyone?" He asked a little nervous.

"No. Why?" I asked confused.

"No Reason." He said blushing a little. We walked to the field and saw Mike. He was reading a book like always.

"Hey Mike. I want to introduce my friend Al." I said he looked up when said Al's name.

"Al Rye?" Mike asked.

"Ya." I said. Al put his hand out but Mike didn't shake it instead he looked at me.

"Sarah can we talk in private?" Mike asked. I nodded and I told Al to stay there.

"Sarah don't hang out with him." Mike said with a little angry in his tone.

"What why?" I said confused.

"Because...." He started but then stopped himself.

"Because.... Why?" I said a little angry.

"He's the most popular boy in school and he does bad stuff. He's just using you." He said raising his voice a little.

"But what if he isn't? He's different around me." I said.

"Because I know what type of person he is. I did the same mistake. And I hurt my best friend in the task of being 'friends' with him." He said a little said. It looks like he was about to cry. I pulled him into a hug.

"Don't worry that wont happen to me. Remember we don't talk about that. And I'm much stronger. If anything happens to me I have you by my side. My best friend." I told him. After that we went to sit down and eat but everytime Al moved closer to me. Mike would do the same. I felt kinda awkard but then the bell rang. I went to PE with both of them walking me.

"I didn't know you had PE?" Mike said a little angry.

"I don't. I just walk Sarah to her classes." Al said.

I told them both bye and then went to get ready. And as I did so the same girls from before came up to me.

I Fell In Love With My Best FriendWhere stories live. Discover now