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Alice may think
that I don't know
anything about love

and maybe I don't

but I know
how I feel

and I think that's important.

"You don't love me, Charlie."

But I do.

"At least not the way you think you do."

She leaves my room
to check her test.

She comes back to me
and I see it in her eyes.

She closes the test and puts it in her pocket
but remains at the door,
leaning on it's frame.

"You love the idea of me, Charlie."

As soon as the words leave her mouth
I know she is

more right

than wrong

and I wish she wasn't.

But I know Alice
like I know
the back of my own hand

because in truth

I don't know much about her
at all.

Alice is
my Wonderland
and she is
my Everything
and she is


Or, rather,



Gumdrop Slides (cell phone novel)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora