I readied for the day at a leisurely pace.  The rest of the house would be asleep for a few hours yet. I made my way down to the kitchen, and began preparing things for cook. In fact, Lady Townshend liked to take her tea and toast in her room of the mornings. I would get her tray ready and take it up myself today.  Ashley and Will normally came down to the kitchen to break their fast most mornings. I liked to think, it was because they like to spend their mornings together with me and because that is where I was, that is where they came. Not because, it was less trouble to come into the lovely, morning sun drenched, stove heated room. Then set up the dining room just for the two of them. Lady Townshend still kept a skeleton staff, and ran a relaxed house hold; no one thought it was strange that the two children who had been raised, to be at ease with the household staff, were out of place, where ever they were in their own home.

I delivered Lady Townshend's tray, ready, for when she roused.  I was nearing the kitchen and could hear Louises voice, and the little giggles’ of her two daughters. I came down the little stairwell that led into the kitchen, and was instantly grabbed around my legs, by little Sara.” I knew I could hear, you, coming”

“Good morning Sara” I laughed, and picked up the little 4 year old, and settled her on my hip. Although I loved both little girls Sara, was my kindred spirit. Her little soft, brown ringlets brushing against my chin while resting her head onto my shoulder, it felt comforting to me.  I walked her over to the stools that stood to one side of the large kitchen island, and deposited Sara down onto one. I turned to start getting something ready for them to eat when two arms wrapped around my legs. I looked down into Nancy’s excited face. Nancy was six and a quiet little thing.

 “Mama said you would play with us today." She said softly. I unwrapped her arms, took her hands in mine, and bent down to her level. 

“Yes I am, and I thought that if you both sat nicely, while I fix you something to eat. I would pack a basket with cookies and milk. We can go down to the tree and play till I’m needed back here, for the midday meal. How does that sound?’ Nancy’s ringlets started bobbing up and down wildly with the shaking of her head, in agreement to my idea. “Ok then” I picked up the excited girl and placed her on a stool next to her sister. This was a routine we all knew well.

“Yes, yes, I want to find some flowers” Sara said clapping her hands together.

“Ok then, remember you have to sit nicely while I get you a bowl of porridge, with, cream and jam, mmm. “

“Yes” Both girls said in unison, they reminded me so much of the way Ashley, and I used to be, and sometimes still were. I looked over to Louisa, and, she mouthed the words thank you’ to me, then she slipped out of the door, to start her day, just like my mama used to.


The mid-morning air was refreshing. There wouldn’t be many more like this till winter came and trusted itself once again upon us. I breathed in a deep breath, and continued to watch the girls. As, I stood there and looked at the crystal waters. I could feel, a presence, come up from behind me.

“Nice morning, I thought I could find you here. Although I must confess, all I needed to do was follow the happy giggles, and I knew you would be the cause of them. “I looked over to the tall frame of Will standing next to me. He was wearing a white shirt; it looked to be an old one. It was unbuttoned enough to aid in his comfort, and I caught a, glimp’s, of his tanned collar bone. He was wearing his grey breeches and old boots. He was probably going to help in the stables, or down in the fields. He smiled at me. “Did you sleep well?”

I pulled myself away from my perusal of him and answered, “Yes I did. And I have to thank you for not abandoning me last night. I truly don’t like having to be in those situations. I felt as though, I was on display”

A Friendships Love - Settler series book 1 (Wattpad version, first draft)Where stories live. Discover now