Chapter 24; better?

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Song choice is little do you know 😂 so you can listen to it while you read :)

Johnny's POV:

"Mackenzie is coming home today!!?" Lauren shouts as she runs from out of the kitchen to the living room.

It's been 3 days since she's been home and it was longer than I expected.

"It doesn't matter, she doesn't even want me around so. I hope she enjoys her life without me" I say as I look down and shove my sandwich in my mouth. I sit there with my thoughts running through my brain.

Out of the corner of my eye I can see Lauren give me a look. She sighs and sits down next to me. "Stop Johnny, she's your bestfriend and you guys will make up eventually." She says smiling trying to make me feel better but it's not working it never will.

"We won't. I fought for her as hard as I could and she keeps pushing me away. If she doesn't want to be friends I'll go and tell her." I say standing my ground. Lauren gives me a confused look "tell her what?"

"I'll go and tell her this was all her fault and she wouldn't have been in that position if she forgave me." I stay slapping my sandwhich down and standing up.

Lauren then burst up and stops me "no Johnny don't, she just got out of the hospital from trying to kill her self and your going to tell her that was all her fault. What kind of bestfriend are you!?" She screams mad.

I roll my eyes and walk to the front door slamming it behind me.

If she hates me that much than I'll leave her alone. I tried so hard to get her back but she pushes me away.



I slouch myself on the couch pulling over my blanket all over my body. The doctor told me to keep it easy and lay down so that's what I'm doing.

My mom went to the store to get things for me and Maddie is in the kitchen facetiming jack.

As I grab my phone the doorbell rings. Why? Why can't the world go away. I already lost my bestfriend and I probably can't hang out with Lauren because of what happened. I'm really torn. I want to see him. I want to hold his hand, stare into his sparkling green eyes but I-I can't. He has a girlfriend and he's made it pretty clear that he doesn't like me. So I had to end things.

I can't sit around waiting for him when I know it will never happen.

I pull open the door slowly and see him standing there in the rain. It started thunder storming earlier and it still is. I step aside and let him come in. Maybe he's apologizing and I think I will accept. I miss him so much but he hurt me. I don't know.

"We need to talk and don't try to push me away cause I'll push back." He says serious. I was kind of scary. "Okay..." I say quietly. We stay where we were.

"I just wanted to say I'm sorry..." he says looking down sad. I sigh and look at him "Johnny do you know what I went through. I took the offer to go on this tour because I told you to go with Nadia yes but I didn't want you too, I wanted you to break up with her and go with me and I know that sounds bratty but..."

I start to choke up and tears fill my eyes "when I saw you with Nadia my heart broke again I knew you wouldn't stop to go with the one you really loved and I didn't want to be around it, as I was talking to your sister the day I left you never said goodbye to me.. then you bring Nadia to my tour and I-I couldn't watch it."

I didn't want to be here anymore. No boy would ever love me and if they did I don't want to go through the trouble I have already gone through. Johnny looks confused and tilts his head up.

"Kenzie I know your upset and sad but I apologized to you when you came back, in the hospital and a thousand other times and you push me away. I screamed and cried while y-you were locked up in that room." He says throwing his hands up mad which made me tear up.

"I-I tried to make things right and you never let me. That was the past and you can't let it go. I guess I'll never be good enough for you if you just want to bring up how big of a jerk I was but I didn't mean to do it on propose. hurting you wasn't on purpose. I-I just can't do this anymore"

He says shaking his head. I wipe my tears "what are you saying..?" I asked scared. He's right. I pushed him away when he apologized but only because I don't deserve someone like him. I don't deserve anyone. I just came out of the hostpital and he's throwing this back at me now!?

"I'm saying that. I'm done. We can't be friends anymore so I guess you got your wish" he says turn back to the door. I shake my head as tears fill my eyes "no.....NO! I grab his wrist.

"Please...please don't leave me" I say crying harder. I need him so much right now. He made me feel like everyone loved me, that I was special, the day I met him when I came back he cheered me up so much and made me remember why I came back which was for him. This is why I did what I did 3 days ago.

I didn't have him when I was hurting because I pushed him away and now he's never going to fight for me, try apologizing many times, be my bestfriend....

"Johnny please." I cry as he stands at the door back facing me. He pulls away and my hand falls to my side. He swings the door open then walks out.

Right as the door slammed I collapsed on the floor and pulled my knees to my chest crying. This is what I was afraid and this is what I tried to avoid.

I don't want to be in this mess. This living hell sucks. I won't feel the love I felt toward Johnny, I won't be happy again, I won't smile, or laugh the same, nothing.

I want things to go back to normal but they will never.

So Johnny thank you for making me realize that I am the worst person alive and I shouldn't be loved, cared for, were right all along..


Ooo the drama between Kenzie and Johnny....

Will they ever become friends again??

Will we ever find out if Hayden was the one lying or if it was Maddie??

Comment below for more and vote and you just might find out soon!!

This chapter was so sad... :( also thanks for 23k reads you guys are amazing!


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