Chapter 23; Everythings okay?

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SIDE NOTE: I put another song thing at the top because it gets you more in the mood so press play if you want :)

Johnny's POV:

I turn around as I gently close the door behind me. As soon as I turn around my eyes draw to her lying there.

I slowly walk over to her in tears. "I'll let you have some alone time" the doctor says leaving the room. I sigh and walk to her bed.

"Hi." She says gently smiling. She looked angry but sad at the same time. She had a bandage on her forehead, a big wrap around her thigh and she had a glass of water by her bed side that was filled with a mixture of blood and water.

I tear up and cough. "Hi." I say gently rubbing my hand on her thigh. She struggles to take her hand and push my hand away. "Listen. I just want to ta-" I start to say holding back my tears. She cuts me off.

"I know. Your sorry and you hate to see me like this but you need to leave. I-I can't be around you a-anymore." She chokes up trying to speak. I fold my lips together trying to not cry. "No you don't understand Kenzie, there's more to it." I say putting my hand out.

"No. J-john.." she tries to say but she coughed and more blood slowly came out onto her lip. The doctor comes in and I look down and turn around he gives me a nod telling me I need to go out. I nod in agreement and turn back to Kenzie.

"I just want to say that I love you more than you know." I walk out and leave it at that. I hear her sit up a little and I turn around "Johnny. No you don't." She says slowly crying. I turn around and walk straight to her.

"Yes I do Kenzie. Why can't you see it. I wait-" I start to cry but she cuts me off again. I can't win. I want her so badly and she hates me. She wants nothing to do with me. I can't live with myself. I want her out of here. I want to hear her laugh, see her smile, hold her hand but I can't.

"Please stop. I think we're done. Not friends nothing more than that either." She says looking down. I try to walk closer but the doctor pushes me away. "No please I can't leave" I say fighting back. He pushes me harder "you need to leave" he says and I fight back. I push my way out of him and I try to get to her.

"Leave right now Johnny." She says with pain in her eyes. I could tell she didn't want this. I didn't want this either. She never wants to see me again and she means it for real but something tells me she needs me, she needs me by her side. "No Kenzie please I love you and I want you t-" I say screaming and crying pushing myself out of the doctor and to her.

She looks away. I could see the tears in her eyes. Neither of us wanted this but it's her decision to forget about me the rest of her life. "LEAVE RIGHT NOW" she screams in pain. She was in tears and she was scared. I push myself out and walk away slamming the door in tears. "Is she going to be o-" Maddie says but I rush into her arms and cry. I bury my head in her neck but she tightens her grip around me.

I lost her for good.

"S-She.. y-ye..." I tried to speak while crying and choking up in Maddies neck but I couldn't speak. I wanted to just collapse on the floor and I want my life to start over. I need her so badly and I fight for her but she doesn't care. I made the absolute biggest mistake of my life.

Maddie rubs my back "Johnny it's okay. Give her time." She tries to make me feel better. I push away. "I did. I apologized to her fifty times and it's never good enough. I try Maddie I do but she can't forgive me. I wouldn't forgive me. She's in here right now because of me! How do I live with that guilt." I say wiping my nose.

Everyone was speechless. No one knew what to say. No one could help me, they knew nothing they could say or do would make any of this better and it wouldn't.

Maybe I should give up. She clearly doesn't need me. No one does. Maybe I should me laying there right next to her but instead I'm dead.


No Johnny don't kill yourself!! 😂

What will happen between them? Will they ever make up?

Comment below if you like when I put music in to get you more in the mood 😂

Also comment below for more if you want to know what happens next!!?

When this fanfic ends do you guys want a sequel to this? Comment below a 🖍 if you want a sequel


She left me   [ COMPLETED ]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora