Chapter Thirty-One

Start from the beginning

"Why are you doing this? I'm still your son!" Jason cried out, his shrieks painfully filling the silence of the room.

"If your still my son why did you try to leave me? Your mother! To run off and start a family with your cousin!" Penelope raised her voice.

"Oh my God ." Betty whispered. Jughead put a firm hand on her should, without look back, Betty placed her hand atop of hers.

"Wh..What?" Jason asked, his face showcasing how he felt inside. Broken.

"That's right Jason. Your  Dad didn't want you to know. But I think it would be the icing on the cake." She said her voice shaky. She pulled up a chair similar to Jason's, sitting slowly in a respectable manor, almost like she not was committing a federal sin and was sitting down to dinner with her family.

"So as you recall the feud between the Coopers and Blossoms started long before you and I . It started when your  great Grandfather killed pollys great Grandfather. Business partners, taking a horrible turn due to greed and power. But what you don't know is that not only  were they business partners, they were also twins. Making you and Polly.."

"Second cousins." Jason whispered to him self in shock.

Betty stared intently at the screen, her heart in her shoes. Jughead providing a reassuring squeeze to her shoulder. She couldn't believe it.

She was a Blossom.

"Yes , isn't it delightful a baby of pure Blossom blood." Penelope smiled. Anger visibly raged through Jason, a normally well collected man. His nostrils flared.

"More like pure evil, if it has any relation to you." Jason spat out.

Penelope stood and slapped him hard across the face.

"How dare you. I'm still your mother. I kept you here to stop you from  making the biggest mistake of your life."

Jason quickly recovered ready to snap back.

"No , you kept me here so I didn't bring shame to the Blossom name. You are no mother of mine. I am no mother. I want nothing to do with this family. I never have. Because you. You ruin everything always wanting your own way. You ruined our family with your affair. Its always revolved around this family, everyone's problems. Our heritage is built on lies and I would rather die than bring my child u with you around. You... Bitch."

Penelope Blossom had an affair? With who? Was that who killed Jason , out of revenge?

Archie, Veronica, Betty and Jughead were all on edge not knowing what to expect next.

Penelope's face was red, redder than her hair.

But Jason was not done.

" I hope you rot in Hel-" He didn't have a chance to finish.

From behind her back she pulled out a gun. And within a matter of seconds it was done.

Penelope was the one who shot Jason.

His own mother had killed him.

"Oh my God" Tears streamed down Bettys face. Veronica sobbed into Archie's chest. Physical and emotional signs of discomfort were sat upon Jughead's face. Their ongoing mystery had finally came to an end.

Jason's body fell lifeless. His torso bent unnaturally, a stream of blood running down his nose, to his lips them off his chin. Penelope's face softened. He glance fell down to the gun she was holding, like she couldn't recognise what it was- the murder weapon she had ust used to kill her son. She dropped the gun like hot coal. She let out a shriek. Collapsing to the floor in a puddle of tears, crawling on her  hands and legs over to the chair where Jason's dead body lay.

She threw herself around her, regretting her actions.

She palmed his face tears streaming down her face.

"Oh my sweet baby boy.." She cried . "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry ." She repeated rocking her body.

Betty paused the video. It was far from over, still having just under eighteen hours left of footage. But they all need to take in what they just witnessed.

"She did it." Betty stated , turning around in a state of shock. Veronica had erupted into an uncontrollable sob, Archie's eyes brimmed with tears as he put his arm around her. Betty turned to Jughead to find him in a similar state. Betty knew he didn't like to display his emotions so she didn't draw attention to him. Instead she grabbed his hand. Instead of replying with a squeeze like usual, he pulled her in. Wrapping his arms around her. Comforting her. They both wanted it. Needed it. 

They all sat in silence. The only sounds were Veronicas sobs.

There will still many unanswed questions. Like how did Penelope move the body, she couldn't of done it by herself, who helped her? Where did this take place? Who else was involved?

They were about to find out, to both Jughead's and Bettys avail.

But neither of the were ready for what happened next.

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