The drive to the restaurant wasn't very far so I was able to get there in less than fifteen minutes, even with the roads being a bit gross tonight. I parked the car in an open slot and shut it off; I checked my make-up in the sun visor, to make sure it was still okay; before I got out of the car and locked it then headed inside.

The great thing about this place is that you can just walk right in and find your own table; well there's that and you have live music being played as well. It's usually local artist or bands that play here but sometimes they have semi-professional people here as well.

As I stepped through the doors I was immediately met with the loud chatter and an acoustic guitar. I really couldn't tell who was singing but the way she was belting out the lyrics to 'Why Don't You Love Me' made me awe inspired.

"Hey what are you doing here?" I turned my face to the side to see James.

James has been my best friend since we were young. He's three years older than me but he actually acts younger than me.

We met in first grade, well I was in first as he was in third but he was the new kid and everyone was picking on him for his weird accent.

See James is from a place in Australia, Adelaide to be exact, and when he would talk his accent would be much thicker than the rest of the kids. At that point, I was saddened that he was being picked on for something he couldn't control so I decided to talk to him and ever since then we've been friends.

"Hey James, what are you doing here?" I asked as I gave him a hug. He pulled away and pointed his thumb in the direction of the stage.

"Jessica's playing tonight and I have to bring her home. Now how about you? Why are you here and looking this good?" He said as he took my hand and had me twirl. Truthfully I felt silly but soon got over it with a fit of laughs.

"Blake's meeting me here for our date; well he's supposed to already be here, I'm meeting him." He gave me a smile before telling me to go and find my date.

I blushed a bit before telling him I would call him sometime and we'd make plans to do something, when I wasn't busy working or something.

Once we said our goodbye's I went looking for Blake; gaining weird looks from people sitting down and eating. I didn't really care about their looks since I actually didn't know them and could care less what they thought.

I did care, however, when I found my boyfriend doing something I didn't expect out of him. He was sitting in a booth with a girl across from him. I wasn't going to jump to conclusions in case it was just a friend who had stopped by to chat but this girl was someone I hadn't met before and I know most of Blake's friends. 

"Did you not find him?" James voice sounded from beside me. Seeing the confusion on my face.

I jumped a little at the sound of his voice but shook my head. We were standing in the corner of the restaurant as I peered at my Blake sitting a few tables away.

"Oh, uh, yeah I found him." I said, not taking my eyes off the two.  I inspected the girl more as I watched them. Her fiery red hair made it hardly impossible to miss her and the way she held on to whatever word Blake was saying made it easy to know she was interested in him. If I had been really paying attention I would have noticed that they both were already eating food and had been here for a while.

James must've followed my gaze because in less than a second he was in my face.

"What the hell! Court, why aren't you over there pouring a drink over that asshole?" He whispered yelled at me. I moved my gaze from my boyfriend to my best friend.

"Because he's not doing any-." I stopped mid-sentence as I was proven wrong.

There it was in front of me; my boyfriend leaning over, the food and drinks placed in front of him, and giving the girl a kiss on the lips. I felt as though someone came up and punched me in the gut, knocking the wind out of me. What in the hell am I missing here. Blake cheating? I would think after the amount of time we had been together and the way we last seen each other was a good affirmation that he was very much in love with me. Guess having sex doesn't keep them around anymore.

Two years are gone because of a girl and it's not like he 'accidently' or 'mistakenly' kissed her. No, he knows exactly what he's doing. And for some reason, it feels like this isn't their first date.

"Don't James, let him go." I said as I noticed he was making his way over to their table; where they have still, yet, to come up for air. My heart had sunk so far that I didn't know what emotion to feel first.

"Why Court? He's an asshole that's making you cry and is cheating on you. Give me one good reason I shouldn't go over there and kick his ass until he knows what hurting is?" I didn't even realize I was crying until he mentioned it. Quickly, I wiped away whatever waterworks that had fallen.

"Because, James, he's not worth it! If he can throw away a good fucking relationship on some girl then why is he worth going to jail for?" I met his eyes and watched as they softened upon meeting mine.

He walked back to me and wrapped his arms around me, while whispering that it was okay and not to worry about him. I knew things weren't going to be okay but for that moment I believed everything that he was telling me.

Edited 5/1/21

Hopefully you like this guys. Comment and vote. Let me know how you guys are enjoying this.

-Stay Beautiful

Courtney S

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