Chapter 3

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I get out of the shower and put on my uniform for school. "You want a ride to school?" Drew asked as he slightly creaked the door open.

"Sure." I exited the room to see him in uniform as well. "Tell me when your ready, and we can go." He walks down the hallway and to the living room.

I brush my hair and leave it down. "I'm ready." I say as I walk down the hall.

He gets up from the couch where he was currently sitting and we walk to his car.


"What classes do you have?" I ask as he pulls out his schedule. I compare mines and his. "We have a few classes together." I explain.

"At least we get to see each other." He looks to the left and waves. I turn around to see who, I'm guessing that's his friends.

"I'll catch up with you later." He smiles and then walks to the guys that he waved at.

Great now I'm all alone.

Let's see... who can I hang out with? I look around for somebody that stick out.

There are 2 girls who look like their really having fun. I decide to walk up to them.

"Hey." I smile nervously. Hopefully making friends is easy here. In my last school it was hard for me to make friends and by hard I mean really hard.

"Hey." The girl with red hair says cheerfully. Ok, now I know this is my group. I love to hang out with people who are fun.

"I'm Brie and this is Lily." The other girls introduced them. "I'm Julie." I smile as they give me a welcoming smile.

"We should hang out after school." Lily's gaze shifts from me to somebody else. I follow her gaze and see that it's Drew and his friends.

"Quit staring at them Lily." Brie complains. I guess she doesn't like them. "But he's so cute." She whines as I lightly giggle.

"Who's cute?" I ask as I look back at her. "All 3 of them." She bites her lip. "I know Drew, but I don't know the other 2."

"You know Andrew?" Brie raises her eyebrow. "I share an apartment with him." I respond after a few seconds.

"Can we come over today?" Lily asks looking a little desperate. "I'll have to ask Drew, but I'm sure he'll say yes."

"Yay, I'm gonna hopefully get to talk to them today." Lily squeals. "If I didn't know you, I'd think that you were just really excited because you had won an osar." Brie rolls her eyes.

"Come on Brie, lighten up." I nudge her arm playfully. "I got to get to class, but I'll see you guys later."

"Wait, we didn't get your number." Lily grabbed my arm before I could walk any further. We exchanged numbers and made a group chat.

"I'm off to class now." I walk away this time making it inside the school building.

My first class I have Drew in, so at least im not alone in here. "Hey." He smiles as he takes a seat next to me.

"I have a question." I bit my lip in hope of the answer I want go hear. "I have a question too, but you go first." He smiles.

"Are you sure?" I ask and he nods his head. "Can I bring 2 friends over today?" I whisper as the teacher had entered the room.

"I was gonna ask you the same thing." He whispered back and I smiled. "So is that a yes?" I raise my eyebrow.

"I guess both of our friends are coming." He slightly smirked. I pull out my phone and kept it under the table where the teacher can't see it.

I quickly text them the news as he does the same with his friends. "We should play a prank on them." I whisper to Drew as I smile grew on his face.

"I have a great idea." He says as if a light bulb just appeared above his head. "Well... aren't you gonna tell me." I lightly laugh.

"It's a surprise." Why a surprise. Now I'm just gonna be anxious to find out. I hope we get them good though.


Thank you guys for reading!!! I hope you guy like this story! Don't  forget to vote!!!

Luv u guys!!! Xoxo😘



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