Pig and Pepper

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Kendall PoV

I looked out from my place in the brush that was serving as my hiding spot. My eye caught on something...not completely normal.

"What in the motherloving heck on god's earth is that?!" I whisper yelled to no one in particular.

I was eyeing a particularly...un-beautiful creature.

A fish.

Out of water.

And it was walking.

Like, walking walking. On two...fins.

It walked up to the house I was scoping out, and rang the doorbell. What type of fish rang a doorbell? It was wearing this absolutely ridiculous outfit, like something a coach's footman would wear.

Soon, the door opened, revealing another un-beautiful creature, a frog.

A wet, slimy, green, hiccuping, wart giving frog. (If you couldn't tell, I hated those things more than fish).

The frog was dressed pretty similarly to the fish. The fish pulled out this giant envelope, and he handed it to the frog. The frog opened it immediately and pulled out a huge scroll of paper. He began to read it.

"Yada-yada-yad- Duchess? Meet the Queen? The Red Queen? For a croquet match? Oh my! I must go tell the Duchess!" the frog yelped, even though all it did was just stare at the letter some more.

The fish finally left, which gave me some one-on-one interrogation time with the disgusting, disease carrying frog.

I got out of my makeshift hiding spot and walked over to the frog. It wasn't even looking at the paper anymore. It was just staring at the sky, looking all weird and stupid.

I decided to forgo the sure-to-be fascinating conversation with the frog and go straight to the house.

I knocked on the door. Once.


I waited about five minutes before knocking again.

Three times.

Okay, what the heck?

"You...you may not go in there." said the frog, sounding like an old man...

"Why 'may I not go in there,' Gandalf?" I asked.

"Because...you are outside."

"Yes. And in other news, bees make honey. Ooh, so fascinating!"

"I do not appreciate your nasty, rude, misplaced sarcasm."

"Whatever, Yoda. Just tell me why I can't go in there."

"Since you are outside, none of the people inside will know you are out here and require their presence, as they are being too loud in there to realize that you want them out here. They do not, and will not hear you."

"Are you joking."

"Do I look like I'm joking, young lady?"

Really? Did he really just go there? "No sir. So how long am I going to have to wait out here?"

"Well, for one, I, plan to stay out here for days. Maybe even weeks. At least, until someone comes out here and opens the door for me."

Just then, the door cracked open just an inch. Just big enough for something like a frisbee to fit through.

And then the unthinkable happens. A flaming plate flies through the narrow crack right before the door slams shut once again.

The frog's nose, snout, scent holes, (whatever that thing is called) was clipped by the burning plate. The frog didn't even flinch.

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