A Mad Tea Party

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Kendall PoV

I was walking through the woods still, but I could tell that I was nearing the edge: the trees were finally beginning to thin out. I sighed in relief.

Pretty soon, I stumbled upon this sort of sign-looking thing, like the ones that point one way for each direction.

One side said "DEATH" and the other said "March Hare" and they each pointed in opposite directions.

I chose the latter.


When I was finally out in the open, I closed my eyes, then took a deep breath and stretched.

When I reopened my eyes, I found myself looking at a cluttered table with a few...creatures sitting at it.

As I got closer, I could see what was happening. There were mostly animals at the table, but there was one human (or at least, as human as someone could get in this place). He sat around the middle, a rabbit next to him, and a dormouse sprawled on the table underneath him. The human wore a rather tall top hat with a ribbon around its circumference. The rabbit and the Hat Dude both had their elbows sitting on top of the dormouse, who, to me, looked to be asleep (and hopefully not dead).

There were a few more unidentifiable creatures at the table, but I paid no mind, and walked closer. Upon even closer inspection, I could see tea cups, pots, pans, and holders scattered all along the table's surface.

"What a mess," I muttered quietly to myself.

When I was pretty much right in front of the table, I cleared my throat and looked down at the man and the rabbit. When my eyes took in the sight of the man, I gasped.

He was handsome! Nice hair, pretty eyes...

"There's no room for you here! Go away. Never come back. Ever. If you do, I will hunt down your children," hissed the RUDE rabbit.

I scoffed and took a seat right across from the two of them, eyeballing the sleeping (or possibly dead) mouse on top of the table.

"So do you want some wine, Alice?" asked the rabbit, as if it hadn't just hissed at me a few seconds ago.

"Shut up, Hare. There is no wine. And he's probably underage too. You can't give children liqueur," the man in the hat spoke up. "I'm sorry. My friend, March Hare, over here, is a rude little munchkin. I'm James. But you can call me the Mad Hatter. Nothing else. Only the Mad Hatter. Maybe just Hatter if you prefer. I quite seem to like you," rambled the man in the hat...the Hatter.

"I am Kendall. Although you creatures here don't really seem to care and enjoy calling me whatever you please. You are right, Hatter. That Hare is quite rude."

"Well it's rude to just sit down at a Tea Party table uninvited!" snapped the Hare.

"You know, Alice," began the Hatter, "Your hair needs a nice cut. It's entirely too long!"

"Well I don't think it's any of your business how my hair looks," I fumed.

"Let's have a riddling!" James suggested happily.

"NO!" yelled the Hare.

He was ignored.

"Why is a raven like a writing desk?"

I blinked. What?

"Well, I dunno, maybe because one is possibly made out of WOOD or something, and the other is actually, like, ALIVE?" I spazzed.

"WRONG!" the Hatter blared.

"UGH!" the Hare yelled. "They're alike because neither of them is made of cheese! Now can we stop this madness?!"

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