The Rabbit Sends in a Little Bill

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Disclaimer - I own basically nothing in this story except for the way I phrase things and the pairing of BTR and AiW.

White Rabbit (Logan) PoV

"I'm so so late!" I whimpered as I moved back and forth in my human form, wearing a hole in the ground with my pacing, looking for my gloves and fan. I must've dropped them somewhere. I had to hurry to see the Duchess; she must've been getting impatient. Oh, but I needed to find those gloves first! I know I had them when I was in the Grand Hall, I remember because I was getting wet by that silly (but very handsome) crying blonde boy! Maybe he knows where they are! Oh, but I was so very late!

"Who are you?" I heard a voice come from behind me.

I whirled around in place and came face to face with the one and only. "No time. So late. The Duchess; she'll have me executed!" I yelped. Then I realized that the boy could have my fan and gloves.

I grabbed onto his shoulders and started shaking him. "BOY!" I yelled, "Where have you put my fan and gloves?!" I asked. I started patting his body, searching his pockets and any other hiding places. I didn't find anything.

"Hey! Where are you touching? What are you doing?" he shouted.

"You have my gloves! And my fan! No matter. Mary Ann, go to my home and fetch me another pair of gloves and a fan! Pronto!"
I must have scared him so, as he turned his non-existent tail and ran as fast as his legs could carry him in the direction I pointed to.



What was with that dude? He said something about a pair of gloves and a fan... but... didn't that rabbit from earlier drop a pair of gloves and a fan? Why was that cute boy looking for the same thing?

Unless...he was the same one from before. It would make sense, as much sense could be made in this place... He had the same ears and tail as before, but the rest of him looked like a human. He was pretty good looking, at that. But I was still running toward the direction he had pointed me in.

I left without so much as even an explanation from him. What was I running around, being his maid for? Was I going to get something in return?

He just seemed so urgent, and I got lost in those chocolate brown eyes for what seemed like an eternity (although, in reality, it was only about two seconds).

Wait...did he call me Mary Ann? So I look like a girl now, is that it? I guess that made me pretty, then... I guessed he would be surprised once he found out who I was.

Ugh, how was I supposed to even know which house would be his? Maybe I could back out and ditch, sneak off somewhere else...but he'd find me. I knew he would if I even tried to do something like that.

I went back to pondering the houses I passed and muttering to myself. "I don't even know which house belongs to him. What colour is it? Just because he's cute and he probably knows it doesn't mean that he can boss me around like that. But now that I thought about it...he did remind me of that White Rabbit from before. They both were looking for the same things and had the same voice..."

That's it! That boy was the White Rabbit! He looked like he was about my age, and he must have been able to transform into both human and animal forms or something. I knew it was a weird notion, but what wasn't weird in this place?

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