chpt 26

483 40 31

Teo's P.O.V.

I woke up with my hands tied up next to Khii who was sleeping. I looked around Ayo and Jazzy were here. Jazzy's side was bleeding and I'm not sure if he's sleeping or if he's dead and Julio is no where in sight. Neither is Sam or Deja.

"Khii" I whispered nudging him and he sat up and looked at me. "Dad! You came!" He said.

Why wouldn't I come? Thats my son.

"Do you know what's going on?" I asked and he rolled his eyes.

"I think Sam is mad cuz you don't like her so she kidnapped me and I guess she lured you here. Oh and Julio is on her side I guess"

Wtf? I'm gonna kill Julio for that. I swea I am.

"Why does she-"

"HEY!" Sam yelled coming into the room making Ayo jump up from his sleep. "No talking" she said holding a gun in her hand.

"Sam can you calm down?" Ayo snapped clearly cranky and annoyed.

"I'll shoot you" she threatened and Ayo snickered. "Good put me out my misery" he mumbled.

He seriously trying to get us killed. Lmao.

"Sam what's your problem?" I asked and she just rolled her eyes. "I have competition Teo!  And so I decided to eliminate it"

We all turned to see Julio dragging Deja inside. She was tied up and had duck tape over her mouth. Julio threw Deja on the floor and Sam pointed a gun at her head and in that moment Deja kicked Sam and she fell over and Khii tore loose from his rope and ran over to Sam jumping on top of her.

I tried to wiggle loose from my ropes but they were tight around my wrists.
Julio walked over to me and cut the ropes off my wrists and I stared at him in shock. "Go!" He scolded me and then untied Ayo's ropes and I ran over pulling Khii off of Sam while Ayo untied Deja.

"Teo please we belong together" Sam screeched and i shook my head. "I love Deja" I said and shot her.

Khii took out his phone from his pocket and called and ambulance for Jazzy and I just stared at him in shock. "What?" He asked.

"You had your phone this whole time but you didnt call for help?"

He just shrugged. "Its not my job to save myself"

This kid. He needs to go back to school cuz he's becoming real stupid. Or maybe its cuz he's been hanging around Ayo.

"Wheres Julio?" Ayo asked when the ambulance got here and took Jazzy. "Don't worry about him" I sighed and took Deja into my arms.

"I love you" I whispered into her ear and she smiled. "I love you too"

3 years later....

"Yo Ayo get the door" I yelled holding Hope in my arms. Ayo groaned and walked downstairs and Deja took Hope from my arms. "Phone's ringing" she said taking Hope into our room ro put her down for a nap.

Hope was only 3 and yes she was me and Deja's daughter. She the cutest thing honestly.

I answered the land line and a harsh voice answered.  "Teo?" A man's voice answered.

"Yeah.." I said.

"Its Julio, i guess you shouldve killed me when you had the chance I'm coming back" he said and then hung up.

I raised my eyebrows in shock. "Dad who was that?" Khii asked walking downstairs. "It was-"

"Nope, nope, nope!" Ayo yelled slamming the door and Khii walked over opening it to see a boy that looked to be about 13 standing there. He looked just like Ayo. He had purple dreads and everything.

"Who are you?"  Khii asked and the boy smiled.

"I'm Kakayo, Ayo's son"

Okay so this is gonna be the end of Season 1 of this book but I'm gonna have a season 2 wich is basically gonna be the same book and I'm gonna try to have the first chapter done soon!

Hope ya liked. ....

My Son Changed My Lifeजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें