chpt 6

817 68 59

Teo's P.O.V.

I'm a terrible person. I legit just told a 13 year old I left his momma cuz I was too childish to commit to anything. Like who says that? And it wasn't even as bad as you think. It was more of a misunderstanding.

Ayo walked outside and his eyes darted back and forth from Khii to me. He just shook his head.

"Why you gotta blow the kid's life up like dat Teo?" He asked picking Khii up and carrying him inside the studio laying him down on the couch next to Sam.

"Aww pour baby" she said wrapping Khii in a hug. I rolled my eyes. Why he gotta be all up on my best friend like dat? Like come on, find yo'self a girl ya own age.

Not that Sammy is mine, well I mean she is mine but she is my best friend shes not mine like - ughhhhh forget it!
"Why is you so mean to him Teo?" Sammy asked and Khii layef his head down on her lap.

"I'm not even mean! He is trying to turn all my friends against me!" I said and Julio, Sam, and Ayo looked at me like I was insane.

"Your fighting with a 13 year old Teo, a 13 year old" Julio just shook his head and gave me one of those looks your parents give you when their disappointed in you.

Those looks burn into yo soul honestly!

"You supposed to be the bigger person" Sam said and Khii stuck his tongue out at me.

"Did you see that! Did you see it!" I yelled jumping up and down pointing at him.

They all threw me crazy looks. I'm not crazy okay! Im not!

"Can we just record our song before yo hair starts falling out?" Ayo said pulling his headphones over his ears.

I stepped into the recording studio and we started singing the first few verses but there was a shocking noise and the mike shut off. "What was that?" I asked taking my headphones off and looking at the juice spilled all over the control panel.

"Oops, my bad" Khii smiled innocently. 

"I'm gonna kill him" I said reaching out to strangle him but Julio held me back.

"Ya'll need to relax. We can just tell Jazzy to fix it and in the mean time we can get lunch" Sam suggested.

We filed out the studio and got into Ayo's car and he drove to Steak n' Shake.

"I want a chocolate milkshake" Khii said scooting into the seat at the booth close to Sam. I sat across from them and Ayo and Julio sat next to me.

"Nobody cares what chu want" I mumbled and Sam wacked me with the menu. "Ow you gave me a paper cut" I said rubbing my cheek.

"Dont be mean, he's your son" she said in a low tone. I shook my head "no he's not.  He just showed up at my door. I dont even know his real name" I said looking at the menu avoiding my friend's gazes.

"My name is Makhii" he smiled. I wanted to slap that smile off his face, I really did.

Ayo nudged me as a signal to talk to start a conversation with Khii. I rolled my eyes "okay cool name" I said and looked back down at the menu but Ayo just yanked it out my hands.

"Do you wanna fight?" He asked pushing my forehead and it swum back into the window. Ow!

"Whats up witchu?" I said pounding my fist on the table.

"Whats wrong wit me? Look at you, thats your son. He came to see you and you is just acting like you dont want anything to do with him"

I glared at Khii as he played with Sammy's hair and I reached over yanking his afro. He looked at me startled.

"Do not touch her!" I yelled and people in the restaurant turned to stare. "Why is that yo baby momma or sum?" He asked getting all up in my face.

"No but dat is mine, so don't touch" I said throwing him a look so cold it probably sent shivers down his spine.

"My mom should be yours" Khii said pulling away from me. "Then next time tell her not to get pregnant"

Ayo scolded me and yanked me out the booth punching me repeatedly. 

"I warned you about that smart mouth of yours" he said as I held my bleeding mouth.

I hate Khii. You hear me? I hate him.

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