chpt 25

476 41 11

Khii's P.O.V.

"Where are you taking me?" I asked trying to wiggle free but my hands were tied behind my back.

"Can you shut up? I'm driving here!" Sam yelled.

I was a little scared honestly. But at the same time I wanted to yell at my dad for turning Sam into a lunatic. That is if I ever see my dad again.

"No wonder my dad didn't wanna date you" I mumbled.

Sam pulled into an old warehouse and dragged me out the car and inside where it was empty. She tied me up and took out her phone taking a picture.

"Now lets send this to Ayo and see how fast he gets here" she snarled leaving.

Ayo's P.O.V.

"If you don't tell me where my nephew is I'm gonna kill you!" I threatened choking Julio. Jazzy pulled me off him and he gasped for air.

"I ain't take him Ayo! Sam probably just stole my car" Julio said rubbing his throbbing neck.

Honestly I'm about to knock some heads. My phone rang and I answered it.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Hey its Tim from the gas station" the Spanish accent greeted me.

"Oh ya what's up?"

"Sam used the credit card at a store downtown to buy some duck tape. She could be near" Tim said.

"Okay thanks" I hung up and then my phone bleeped. I looked at the message from an unknown number. It was a picture of Khii all tied up.

Me: where tf is my nephew hoe

Sam: he's perfectly safe, but that can change. Get Teo down here in less than 24 hours or things won't go well

Me: why u want Teo? He don't like u incase u forgot

Sam: well if he likes his son he'll come now won't he. I'll text u the address

I locked my phone and looked at the address. "Drive to this place" I told Jazzy and then texted Teo telling him where we were.

We arrived at what looked like an abandoned warehouse.  Julio, Jazzy, and I got out and walked inside and my eyes widened seeing Khii tied up.

"Khii!" I yelled running over and trying to untie the ropes and I heard footsteps behind me. I turned to see Julio pointing a gun at me and Jazzy.

"Now y'all is just stupid" Julio laughed.  "I mean you had all the clues in front of you. This plan was supposed to be much easier, all I had to do was take Teo and Khii to Sam and it would be all good. But then Teo backed out of tour and went to fall in love with Deja so now here is our result"

"Julio just put the gun down and then we can sort this out" I said as calm as I could. He just smiled michevously and in that moment I lunged for the gun and he shot Jazzy in his side and slammed me on the floor.

"I'll kill Khii if you pull that shit again" he said tying me up.

"Why are you doing this?" I asked and he shrugged. "I follow orders"

Teo's P.O.V.

"Bruh I told you not to leave my son wit them stupid-"

"Girl can you shut up? Hes my son too incase you forgot so don't be tripping" I said annoyed. She had been complaining ever since we got into the car.

I had gotten the text from Ayo telling me where they were in Wisconsin so now I was driving there. Deja insisted on coming so I let her cuz if I told her no she'd just keep calling me to complain.

"I just want him to be okay" she sighed laying her head against the window.

I rolled my eyes "he's gonna be fine-"

"TEO WATCH OUT!" Deja screamed when a car slammed on their brakes in front of me and my car flipped.

This was a short update I know but I know y'all were mad cuz I had that last cliffhanger so I figured I'd give you another one.
Lmao I'm srry

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