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The week before Cole and Willow's one year anniversary Camila's grandmother died. So Willow, Lili and Madelaine went to comfort her.

"Lili will be here in a minute to pick me up. I probably won't be back till late." Willow told Cole.

"Okay. I'm going out for drinks with Casey and KJ." Cole said give her a hug.

"Alright. See you later." She gave him kiss on the lips and a quick hug. "I love you."

"Love you too." Lili picked her up and drove them over to Cami's place. They ate ice cream, cried and by the time Cami fell asleep it was nearing two am. Maddie said she'd spend the night and take care of her when she woke up, So Lili took Willow back to her apartment and they agreed that they'd go back over to Cami's in the morning. Willow dug through her purse for her keys as she stepped off the elevator. She found them and walked down the hall to hers and Cole's apartment. She unlocked the door and stepped inside. The kitchen light was on which was weird. She kicked off her shoes and dropped her purse. After turning the light off she walked into her room. She paused in the doorway shocked at what she saw. Cole was lying in bed, sleeping, with his arm around another girl. Willow covered her mouth as she gasped so as not to wake them. The shock dissipated and was replaced by anger. She turned on the light and walked over to Cole. She jabbed his shoulder repeatedly until he woke up. He rolled over and squinted at her. His got wide and bolted upright.

"Willow!" His breath stunk of alcohol.

"How could you?!" She whisper-screamed."I thought you loved me!"

"Willow, its not what it looks like!" Cole tried to explain, but Willow cut him off.

"Not what it looks like?! Not what it looks like! You cheated on me!" He stood and stepped toward her. The smell of alcohol got overwhelming as he got closer to her. "Are you drunk?" Cole shrugged.


"That doesn't change anything. You still shouldn't have picked up some random chick at a bar."

"Well you won't sleep with me!" She backed up.

"That's your excuse?! You said you were fine with waiting! You-you-you dick!" She ran out of the room and ran back to the front door. Cole called after her, but she ignored him. She threw her shoes on and ran out, slamming the door behind her. She ran to elevator and rode down trying to keep herself from crying. When she reached the bottom she rushed out to her car and drove to the person she knew would help. KJ. She reached his building and walked inside. She got in the elevator and wrapped her arms around herself. Tears started sliding down her cheeks. She reached KJ's floor and got out. She knocked on the door and waited. No response. She knocked harder. The door swung open, revealing a shirtless and disoriented KJ.

"Willow?" Willow let out the sobs she'd been suppressing. KJ wrapped his arms around her and brought her inside. They stood in front of the door while Willow continued sob into KJ's chest. He rubbed her back.

"What's going on?" Asked another person. Lili stood in the doorway of KJ's bedroom wearing nothing but an oversized T-shirt. She yawned and rubbed her eyes.

"It's Willow. You can go back to bed." Still looking concerned Lili walked back into the bedroom. KJ looked down at Willow.

"Willa, what happened?" She tried to explain, but couldn't be understood due to her sobs. The only word KJ got was 'Cole.'

"What did that fucking asshole do?" KJ asked, anger evident in his voice. Willow couldn't get out a response. Knowing he wouldn't get an answer KJ picked Willow up and carried her to the guest room. He went to put her on the bed, but she wouldn't let go. Sighing KJ laid down beside her and wrapped an arm around her shoulders. Willow continued to cry until she fell asleep. When she fell asleep KJ got up and went to his room. He grabbed a T-shirt off the floor, kissed Lili on the forehead, grabbed his phone and left. He put his shoes on and walked out of the apartment. He drove to Cole's apartment and banged on the door. A shirtless Cole answered the door. The stench of alcohol hit KJ's nose. Before Cole could say anything KJ's fist met his face.

"I don't know what you did to my sister, but came to my flat sobbing." KJ said. Cole pressed his hand to his slowing bruising jaw.

"Not my fault she won't have sex with me." Cole shrugged like it was no big deal.

"I'd like to pretend you didn't say that, but we both know that's not possible."  KJ punched him again. This time Cole stumbled from the impact and groaned in pain. "Stay away from my sister." KJ growled before walking back toward the elevator.

So that happened. Protective!KJ tho am I right?
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