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Willow bounced on her toes attempting to look over people's heads. The airport was far too crowded for her liking. Her younger brother, KJ, sat behind her a fell long through his twitter feed. KJ and Willow were nothing alike. In looks or in personality. This was all due to the fact that Willow's father had married KJ's mother thirteen years previously. She had asked her dad to adopt her eleven years ago and remembering his look when she asked made her smile every time.

"Willa you need to chill." KJ said, not taking his eyes of his phone screen.

"I can't! I'm too excited." She was waiting for her best friend, Cole, to arrive. She and Cole have been friends for sixteen years. And had many memories they would not soon forget.

"You're acting like you haven't seen him in years. It's only been a month and a half." Willow kept bouncing.

"It's been too long! There he is!" She practically screamed the last part and went sprinting through the airport.

"Cole!" She yelled as she jumped on him.

"Hey Willie!" She wrapped her arms around his neck and her legs around his waist. He held her up and buried his face in her long, brown hair.

"I missed you." Willow whispered into Cole's neck.

"I missed you too." They stood there for a good few minutes until Willow dropped back to the floor. She put her hand on the back of Cole's neck and pulled him down for a kiss. They had been dating for four months and the only person who knew was KJ.
When they broke apart for air Willow gave Cole a smile.

"How are you?"


"I bet. Hungry?" Cole and Willow stood by baggage claim waiting for Cole's suitcase. While they stood there KJ came over.

"I'm always hungry." Cole replied as KJ stepped up beside him.

"Hey Cole."

"KJ!" They shared a quick hug and then Cole spotted his suitcase. Cole grabbed his suitcase and they pushed their way out of the airport. They stepped outside and Cole inhaled deeply.

"Hello NYC!" He said before Willow took his hand and led him to KJ's car.

"Let's get pizza!" Willow said, "KJ wanna join us for a pizza and movie night?"

"No thanks. You guys act way to couply for for my liking." Willow blushed and Cole laughed. KJ pulled up outside Cole's building. Willow didn't actually have an apartment in NYC, hers was in Los Angeles, so she stayed in Cole's apartment even if he wasn't there. Plus somebody had to take care of Juno while Cole was away.

"Thanks KJ." Willow said, getting out of the car.

"Anytime Willa. See you tomorrow?" Willow stuck her head back in the car.

"Sure. Lunch. You, me and Cole if he wants."

"Okay." Cole got out, got his suitcase and KJ left. When they reached Willow's apartment Cole went for a shower and Willow ordered pizza. Cole came out and dropped onto the couch. Willow sat beside him and turned on the TV.

"What do want to watch?" She asked.

"Whatever you pick is fine." He laid his head on the back of the couch and closed his eyes. Willow chose The Office. Ten minutes there was a knock on the door.

"I'll get it." She opened the door, played for the pizza and sat back down. She looked over at Cole and rolled her eyes. He was snoring. Jet lags a bitch. Willow let him sleep.

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