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willowapa: headed to lunch/dinner(linner? dunch?) with my fav boys

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willowapa: headed to lunch/dinner(linner? dunch?) with my fav boys

tagged: kjapa, colesprouse

7,467 likes| 896 comments

kjapa: you little liar@willowapa

usera: hawt

madelame: Amen to that @usera

willowapa: who? me?@kjapa

colesprouse: she could have picked a worse pic @kjapa

camimendes: you guys are so hot it kills me

userb: willow is lucky af

userc: #hotaf

lilireinhart: why wasn't I invited for linner?@willowapa

kjapa: you snooze you lose @lilireinhart

lilireinhart: wth KJ

userd: #linner

userb: #dunch

camimendes: where u goin? @colesprouse @willowpa@kjapa

colesprouse: none of your beeswax@camimendes

willowapa: Applebee's

colesprouse: I h8 u@willowapa

willowapa: h8 u 2 princess@colesprouse

ilireinhart: rude @colesprouse

kjapa: no hating on my big sis

usere: #siblinggoals#noshame#donthatewillow

camimendes: #same @usere

colesprouse: sorry Willie! Luv u

willowapa: u r forgiven peasant

usera: #slay#queenwillow

userb: hE caLleD her WiLliE

userc: #cillow

camimendes: #cillow

lilireinhart: #cillow

madelame: #cillow

kjapa: #enough#nomore#nocillow

usera: some1 protective AF

willowapa: #imabiggirl#backofbro@kjapa

colesprouse: #burn @kjapa

kjapa: #illkillyoucole

willowapa: #enoughhastags

colesprouse: #neverenough

willowapa: #ih8u

colesprouse: #ih8u2

userf: #justdatealready

willowapa: #no

colesprouse: #ouch

camimendes: #enoughu2

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