C 23- Puzzle Pieces

Start from the beginning

"Okay," Rose said. "On the count of three. One, two, three." The boys let go at the same time. Rose was finally able to get in the house. She hugged Jin as she came in. "Thanks for looking out for me, eomma." Jin laughed. I knew Rose didn't like like Jin and Jin liked Nina, but I couldn't help but get a little jealous. I got a little nervous when she came to me to hug me. I saw a chain around her neck, but the pendant was hidden in her shirt. I wonder if it's the necklace I gave her? That thought made my heart flutter more as she hugged me. She still smelled the same as always. "Good to be back here," she said. She started looking around.

"Namjoon's getting some snacks at the store and Hoseok's finishing up his shower." I answered her unasked question. She nodded her head in understanding and smiled at me.

"Taehyung!" We heard Hoseok yelling from my and his bedroom. The door opened. "What'd you do with—" he froze as he saw Rose standing there. Rose gasped and her face turned bright red.

"Hoseok!" Jin yelled as he shoved an almost naked Hoseok back into the room. Rose was finally able to break her gaze away as she stared blankly at the wall at the end of the hall, biting her lip. Her face was still beet-red. I can't believe Hoseok came out only in a towel. And I can't believe both of them just kept staring. There's no way she could like him, right? Jungkook came over and shook the unmoving Rose.

"Noona. Noona! I think he broke her," Jungkook said the last part to Taehyung.

"Nope," smirked Jimin. "I think she just liked what she saw. Should I do it too?" Jimin started to pull his shirt up.

"Don't you dare!" yelled Jin as he yanked Jimin's shirt down with Jimin laughing.

I walked in front of Rose while the other boys wrestled with Jimin to keep him from pulling his shirt up again. "Are you okay?" I was more than a bit jealous about her reaction towards Hoseok. Rose blinked her eyes and looked at me.

"Uh, yeah. Sorry, that just took me a moment to recover. I really... really was not expecting that." She gave me an embarrassed smile. Jimin sauntered over to stand next to me.

"So, you're a bit of a pervert, huh?" Jimin smiled slyly at Rose. The boys started yelling at him.

"No!" Rose yelled. "But... I am a very straight woman and that was a man fresh outta the shower wrapped only in a towel. I think I'd be worried if I didn't have that reaction. Now, if we were, say, going swimming, I would be expecting to see half-naked guys and that wouldn't bother me. But, like I said, it was unexpected and I was not prepared. That's why." Jimin continued to give her a perverted look and she just shrugged. My door opened again and a fully clothed, and still flushed, Hoseok stumbled out.

"I am so sorry," Hoseok spit out. He started rambling, "I thought you weren't gonna be here for another hour and then Taehyung took off with my clothes again and then when I came out, my mind went completely blank. I'm so, so sorry."

Rose laughed and ruffled his still damp hair. "It's ok. I didn't think you did that on purpose." Hoseok smiled and loosened up slightly. "But, I will have to say... I didn't mind the view." She laughed loudly as she plopped down on the couch. Hoseok's face went back to being red, red, red. Jimin sat down next to her and high-fived her. I can't believe she actually said that.

"See? It's ok to appreciate," Jimin said, smirking triumphantly. There was a banging on the front door. Taehyung looked through the monitor.

"It's hyung," he said as he opened the door. Namjoon walked in with bags of groceries on his arms.

"I thought you said you were just getting snacks?" Jin asked incredulously.

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