"We're not going to die here. Not tomorrow or the day after that. I won't let you die, I promise. It's going to be a long time that we're stuck here. Years by my best estimation, but I know we're going to make it. In this short amount of time look at how far we've come." Jemza took an unsteady breath and nodded once.

"I know, and that's what scares me. I don't want to leave. I want to stay here, with you." The way she had talked up until now made so much more sense to Jayce now. Jemza's real life was the real prison and SAO was a release. Despite the dangers, it paled in comparison to what she suffered through every day outside the game.

"Just think of all the free medical care your body is getting right now back in the real world." She snorted while laughing in response still keeping her face pressed against him.

"God, Jayce don't make me laugh."

"It's Jason actually. My name I mean. Jason Conrad. I'm from Illinois in the United States. Came to Japan for the past year as a contractor to assist with a network infrastructure deployment in Tokyo. I would have been going back home in January. I'll be twenty four this February." Jemza lifted her head and stared into his eyes for a few moments.

"Jason? Sounds just like your avatar name. Not very clever at all."

"Yeah, thanks." Jayce rolled his eyes sarcastically making her laugh again.

"I'm Rika Sakurai, from Saitama prefecture. I turned twenty three in October. I knew you weren't from Japan. America huh? I wish I could visit there someday. It seems like such a beautiful country."

"It is, but so is Japan. Where I'm from it gets so hot in the summer, but frigidly cold in the winter. I'm from a town an hour or so north of Chicago. Do you know this city?" Jemza shifted resting her cheek on his chest and placed her palms beside her face.

"I've heard of that city. It is big like Tokyo right?"

"Not that big, but yes. New York is probably closer to Tokyo population wise."

"Ah, I also know of New York. The Big Apple of the United States." Jayce chuckled and nodded.

"Yes, that's right. I've never been there, but it's much larger than Chicago. You will have to see it for yourself." Jemza closed her eyes and smiled.

"I wish that someday I could." A hint of sadness crept into her voice once more and Jayce rested his hand on the back of her head.

"So...come see it. Once this is over I mean." Her hands closed against the leather of his breastplate before opening once more, her fingers tracing the edges.

"How would I do that exactly? Perhaps in America the homeless can still afford fancy vacations and airplane tickets?" Jayce laughed and placed his hand on top of hers.

"No, but maybe you'll come back with me and we can see it together, if you aren't too busy of course?" Her breathing increased in pace once more and she spread her fingers letting his slide in between each of hers.

"Why? Didn't you understand everything I just told you? I am not beautiful like I am here. I would be nothing but a burden."

"Because your arm was burned, you are forced to wear an eye patch and have a few scars? Do you really think that makes you ugly? We live in a cruel world where people judge others based on their physical appearance. I understand this, but that doesn't mean you are excluded from being happy. You would be surprised how many people out there would never treat you poorly if you gave them a chance."

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