Chapter 46

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The moment they hit the concrete floor of the tunnel, Argo let Jayce go and opened her menu. Her hands flew across the holographic keyboard as she sent a message to an unknown contact. Without her support Jayce stumbled forward and fell to his knees. He slowly set Rose's body down looking over her body. She had multiple injuries that seemed mostly minor, but the large glowing wound on her chest was the worst. She didn't seem to be breathing or even alive which only cause more confusion. NPC's still looked alive and breathed like real people, but whenever any living creature died it shattered and disappeared. None of the assassins or Rose had done so, their bodies remaining behind.

"You have five minutes, maybe one or two more, but that's it. Stay here and wait for my contact to arrive. They will have your antidote and don't worry about the cost I will handle it. I'm going back in for Miss White you do what you can for her." Argo closed the menu and turned back towards the stairs that would lead back down to the tavern.

"She's dead Argo, what do you want me to do?" The girl stopped and looked back over her shoulder.

"Katie was dead too wasn't she? Did you give up on her so easily?" She turned and ran down the stairs leaving him alone. He had forgotten that he had told her the story of his sister and mother. The reasons why he had been so afraid and the source of his pain. For the briefest of moments he hated Argo for using his sister like this, but she was right. He never gave up on Katie, and he wouldn't give up now.

Jayce moved around to the side of Rose and tilted her head back leaning down so his ear was near her mouth. He felt no air coming out and he sat up placing a palm a few inches above her sternum. His other hand clasped over the top of his palm and he began pushing rapidly. After thirty compressions he pinched her nose shut and covered her mouth with his own breathing into her lungs twice. He listened for breath and when he heard nothing again he repeated the process again.

Anyone watching would think the scene looked ridiculous. Not only was this a video game, but the woman was an NPC. Performing CPR in the SAO was a pointless endeavor. When someone died they disappeared and that was it. No dramatic death sequence or final words as their heart finally stopped. A brief flash of light followed by the shattering of their bodies was death in SAO. Nevertheless, Rose's body was still here and logic didn't matter anymore.

"Breathe!" Jayce shouted down at her in between breaths before going back to pumping her chest. Around the tenth compression he had an idea and quickly pulled a vial off his belt. He opened the top and slowly tilted the vial towards the woman's lips. Once the liquid had been poured into her throat he massaged her neck slowly to help it down into her body.

"Jayce!" Argo reappeared at the top of the stairs looking panicked as he returned to compressing Rose's chest.

"Where's Jemza?"

"The won't open!"

Jemza slid on her knees bending backwards as the sword cut through the air above her face. She twisted and pushed up with her legs spinning back to her feet in time to slash her dagger low, parrying another strike from Kurt. More of the ceiling had collapsed nearby making them both stumble. Even off balance Jemza used to opportunity to launch herself towards the man letting her dagger tip lead the way. The weapon cut across his thigh and he stared down at the wound in disbelief while they both found their footing.

"You have spirit, I'll give you that." Kurt gave a laugh while he spoke and with good reason. His first health bar hadn't even reached halfway while Jemza was still below half from the initial explosion and the light hit he managed on her. The last potion she had was slowly ticking her health up, but a clean hit from the man would finish her.

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