Chapter 34

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When night fell over Marome village, a quietness accompanied it that showed just how small the village was. The residents had long retired to their homes for the night, and unlike other towns that had at least some form of nightlife, Marome slept. There was no tavern or inn where people would gather after a day's work, nor were there any restaurants or shops to visit. The only sounds were the occasional rustle of leaves on nearby trees or the sound of animals in their pens.

Jemza lifted her body and slid it through the open window of their room gracefully landing lightly outside. She adjusted the Thieves Guild mask covering her nose and mouth before looking back towards the window and waving a hand. Jayce crept out onto the sill and stepped down until he was crouched next to her. They shifted along the wall of the home until they came to the corner. Jayce looked back at her and motioned for her to follow before he quickly slipped across the street to the next house.

"Butcher's house is three more down. Then we cross to the house and find a way in." Jayce whispered everything leaning close towards Jemza's ear once she made it across the street as well. She nodded once letting him know she understood and was ready. Back in their usual outfits they both felt comfortable and safer. She followed his cloak as he quickly dashed around the building and began crossing past the houses lining this side of the street.

Just as they reached the third building Jayce spun grabbing her and shoving her around the corner of the building. He pressed himself against her keeping his face towards the back of the building where they had been. A door opened and a dog bounded outside with a woman slowly following behind. She yawned while watching the dog sniff around through the grass. Jayce's heart pounded in his chest fearing that the dog would sniff them out and come running. He wasn't afraid of injury, but that they would be caught and forced to explain themselves. It could ruin everything this early into the mission.

"It's ok." Jemza pressed her palm against his breastplate where his heart was. He didn't dare take his eyes off the animal still sniffing around, but he nodded quickly to show Jemza he had heard her. After the longest two minutes he could remember the dog scampered back towards the woman happily and they both disappeared into the house.

"Sorry for shoving you." He whispered stepping out from around the corner looking ahead to where they needed to go.

"No, you saved us. Good catch." She tapped his shoulder from behind so he knew she was ready and they both proceeded forward across the rear of the house. After they reached the third house Jayce pointed towards the next one and made a chopping motion with his hand. That had to be the butcher's house. That meant across the street with Kurt's. Jayce slid along the wall listening intently on everything around him in case he needed to react. Once he reached the front of the building he gave Jemza one last look before sprinting across the street.

The house didn't look much different than any of the others in town. A single story house with a door set into the wall closest to the road. A few closed windows were cut into the walls around the home with very few other discernible features. Jemza joined him as he stepped quietly around the side of the house. He peered around the corner at the back of the house seeing two more closed windows. Jayce pointed to one of the windows and Jemza pulled her dagger from her waist.

"We don't know if he's in there. Your weapon is better for tight areas like this so you'll have to go first. I'll be right behind you, but if he's in there you'll have to make the first move." Jayce shifted a few vials on his belt around and adjusted his hood. Jemza grabbed one of the picks from her kit holding it in her left hand. She pressed the blade of her dagger against one of the vials on Jayce's belt until it broke spilling the contents onto her dagger. He reached over sliding three vials of purple liquid onto her belt.

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