Chapter 13

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"Well? What do you think?" The girl spun slowly in front of Jayce holding her arms out slightly. One of the greatest benefits to gaining access to a new floor was the access to higher tier items and equipment. The healing potions sold by merchants on the second floor would heal more than those sold on the first. Weapons and armor did more damage and provided increased defense respectively. The <<Moonlit Silver Dirk>> and <<Anneal Blade>> Jemza and Jayce had were not common weapons sold by merchants. As such their stats were still higher than the base weapons sold here in Urbus.

Armor, on the other hand, was something they both hadn't changed from since their first levels. Both wore armor belonging to the <<Light Leather Equipment>> category. All armor categories had skills of the same name which when taken and increased would provide greater benefits from the armor worn. Reduced weight, increased protection, and various other perks could be unlocked through the skill line. Jayce had not taken the skill line yet, but assumed Jemza had. Since he had chosen <<Hiding>> as his third skill, she must of chosen <<Light Leather Equipment>> as hers.

After stumbling across what seemed to be the main merchant section of Urbus, Jemza had wanted to see what was available. Two very long and painful hours later Jayce waited patiently inside a Leatherworker building while she disappeared into a side room. Upgrading his armor wasn't on his mind at the moment, but while waiting he still took some time to look over the different armor available here in Urbus. Within minutes the white haired girl returned and now spun slowly in front of him waiting expectantly.

Prior to entering this establishment Jemza had been very similarly equipped as Jayce. A simple leather breastplate with black breeches and tunic. The only difference between them was Jayce wore a black hooded cloak. Now, however, was a different story. The leather breastplate she wore now had attached epaulettes covering her shoulders. A pair of bracers and knee high boots wrapped around her forearms and legs. Her loose fitting breeches were replaced with tights covered with a black leather skirt.

Thanks to the magic of automatic sizing and fitting of clothing and armor in the game, everything fit her perfectly. Regardless how it may have seemed on the shelf it would resize itself to her frame once equipped. A fact that was far from lost on Jayce right now as his mouth unconsciously hung half open. He was left wondering how someone this beautiful could exist in the real world. The entirety of her outfit, from the fabric to the leather covered her body perfectly without interfering with her curves. Her spin stopped as she faced him placing her hands, which were now covered in fingerless gloves, behind her back.

"Wow..." The word came out more out of instinct rather than any coherent thought. As far as he was concerned he hadn't said anything at all. She smiled slightly brushing her hands against the skirt the fell down to her thighs.

"So, it's good then?" She asked looking down at herself. Jayce continued to stare stupidly unaware of anything happening around him.

"Wow..." She looked back up at him and rolled her eyes. A small laugh escaped her mouth as she reached out and slapped his arm lightly.

"Come on let's see what else this town has to offer." Jemza gave a quick thanks to the leatherworker and walked towards the door.

"Yeah...offer..." Like a mindless automaton Jayce shuffled after her still entranced at the sight of her. They both stepped out of the building into the sunlight while Jemza looked around.

"Hey, those potions you made with the <<Amberthorn>> are higher quality than standard potions right? Let's go take a look at the healing potions sold here to compare. For all we know the stuff you make might be the best out there for a few floors." Her words finally broke him out of the <<Charm>> effect her new outfit had on him.

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