Cas 1 and Cas 2 (Not Done)

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Authors Note: Cassidy is not MY O.C. go check out "It's a Hunter's Life" and read about Cassidy, Sam, Dean, Cas, and Paris is a completely different amazing story.

It was late in the morning when Cas and Paris got back to Sam and Dean's because well, when you almost lost your true love, you want to show them how much you truly love them. Instead she saw a woman with these emerald eyes and black as night hair. She was taller than her, but she herself was fairly short, at the height of 5'6  the other woman was at least 5'9. She took a moment to realize she was smiling and who this woman was. "Cas? Cassidy!? Oh my..." she flung herself towards her best friend her arms squeezing her into a hug. She was like family to her, well they were to each other that is. Cas, the male one pursed his lips as he raised an eyebrow awkwardly at the two girls hugging and squealing. Sam and Dean watched and exchanged looks as both the brothers didn't know how to properly handle "chick flick" moments like that. After a few minutes of catching up and endless girly giggling, they settled down and resumed their natural calm serene state. Cassidy cleared her throat, her tone of voice she used was like that of a leader, strong but still feminine. "Paris, how long has it bloody been?" she asked with a laugh, "Well, to be exac-" Paris started to reply feeling bad for not keeping in touch but got cut off by a giggling Cassidy. "It's been four freaking years and you still don't realize that I'm using sarcasm!" she gave a small chuckle, both Paris and Castiel had trouble differentiating between mortal sarcasm and when they were being serious. "Oh! You bad." Paris replied. Sam and Dean cleared their throats and both angels and the female turned and faced them almost in synch with each other. "Sorry to interrupt your 'Welcome home.' party but...where the hell were you two?" Dean asked flabbergasted and slightly annoyed. Cassidy grumbled and gave him a roll of her eyes. "Be nice dear, or God forbid I refuse to play nice." she winked at Dean who smirked. She blew him a kiss and a gave him a flirty wink. Castiel was astonished by Cassidy's behaviour. "You''re /still/ a couple?" he asked. Castiel hadn't meant it in a bad way it was just that Dean wasn't the type of person to be tied with one person, however it did cause a very awkward silence and Paris' elbow in Castiel's stomach, shooting him a just-please-shut-up-look. Sam looked at the floor keeping out of the conversation. Dean groaned at the comment as Cassidy lazed on a couch continuing on a conversation with Paris. "Yes, yes we are dude! You just can't ask someone that!" Dean spoke to him away from the others. "Why?" Castiel cocked his head to the side in confusion and not completely understanding simple, how do you put it, relationship etiquette. "Well...because!" Dean sighed exasperated. "But-" Castiel went to argue but Dean raised his hand meaning, "No." as in, "End of discussion." The angel frowned at Dean, his mouth contorting into an unhappy face. "Fine." he glared leaving him, Sam, and Cassidy for the night, taking his beloved Paris with him. As hours passed and ended up with  Paris and Castiel cuddling close to each other on a retro couch. A couch Paris knew, hers, and Cas knew it. The moment he left the Winchester's and Cassidy, he knew that he would have to give a lot of things up to stay with her, here, in the U.K. and Paris was so thankful. Sitting in silence the two angels drifted to sleep slowly and softly in the arms of each other. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2014 ⏰

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