Divine Power

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  • Dedicated to Hanna Carriere

Castiel and Paris, a couple of angels who fell in love, she was shy and awkward meanwhile Cas was outgoing and smart. He always took care and watched over America meanwhile Paris was put in charge of the entire United Kingdom. Always busy she made as much time as she could for Cas, as time went on she was torn from him. Each day made it harder and harder to see him. Had he found new love? Paris at age 19 swore to never love anyone else. And she kept that promise, and there came a time when the perky female would be reunited with her love. The fallen angels, were angels sent by their heavenly father to watch over all of humanity. It all started with a vision, a trip to Kansas, and a coffee. Then they worked on their first demonic attack. After, Sam and Dean hesitantly let her tag along. Cas and her soon became a couple. Years passed as she came and gone. Always returning into Cas' loving arms.

Paris was a fallen angel. Nobody would have guessed based on her appearance. She had pastel pink hair and pastel gothic clothing style. But her eyes. Oh the young girls eyes, they were such a beautiful thing to see. Blue like the heavens filled with a wonder for things. Caring for humanity like her own child. She took care of the UK's side but lately it seemed America needed some help to prevent the apocalypse. So that's where she went. Visions of hell scared her as they always had, except last time Cas had been there for her. After catching a flight to America she went to Castiel. Another angel of her sorts. Not only that but he brought back one of the Winchester boys too. Dean Winchester. It wasn't hard to find them walking up next to him she tapped him on the shoulder. "Hello Cas. You may remember me, I'm Paris." she told him in her soft spoken voice.

He looked at her. Many emotions flickered across his face, shock, happiness, serenity, curiosity, and confusion. He raised a eyebrow his soft brown eyes dilated in her sight. "Oh my, it's been ages." his voice broke as he yanked on her body, his arms wrapping around her, he began to cry. Soft sniffles and trembles escaped from Castiel as he embraced her. "Paris...I've missed you." he whispered against her forehead. Surprised at the affection that he still had for her, it had been 4 years since she left for the UK. He missed her as she missed him, she had assumed he moved on and found someone else to replace her with. "Cas..." she said as her voice cracked with emotion holding him tightly as the angel wept. Her heart ached as she saw him in such emotional pain. "I'm so so so sorry...I'm here now. I'm here." she held his wet cheeks in her hands looking him in the eyes. "I'm not leaving you I promise." he gave a slow nod. Wiping his eyes embarrassed by his emotions, he cleared his throat. "Before we do anything, I just need to spend time with you." he told her sadly, she looked at him. Her own sapphire eyes now lined with tears of her own. "Of course." she nodded holding his hand as they both strolled the side streets. The two angels had a beautiful history. Since day one they had fallen for each other, two fallen angels, in love. The pure definition of it. Her heart was tied with his and his with hers.

He stopped abruptly and looked at her tilting her chin up, looking her in the eyes and kissing her passionately. Returning the gesture she put her feminine arms softly behind his neck, as he was slightly taller than her she had to stand on the tips of her well worn converse high tops. Closing their eyes, love paving their path, and body controlled by passion they stayed like that, happy and blissful. Her pink lips crashed against his. Paris' kisses tasted like jasmine tea, her scent lingered in the air. It smelled of the sweetest flowers and absolute feminesque other things. Castiel on the other hand was soft and gentle but showed complete passion as he let his masculine hands trail down her petite, slim, attractive figure. His kiss tasting like fresh spearmint. His smell masculine, and just so happened to be Paris' favourite scent in the world. Finally the pink haired female beauty pulled away with longing still present. "I've missed you, this, us." she says as they continue their walk. He was speechless, everything about her was just so, flawless, to him anyway. It was a chilly evening and the stars twinkled in the clear mid fall sky. He took off his jacket and placed it on her, she turned to him. "Cas you don't need to, I'll be fine." he shook his head. "Hush." he said to her picking her up bridal style and carrying to the currently vacant motel room Sam and Dean rented.

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