Chapter 16

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*Tates POV*

"Tate?" Constance's weary voice filled the empty, insidious hallway.

"What?" I said abruptly, still traumatized by the sight of my son.

I made him act the way he did. He was a monster, just like me. There was nothing to fix, no cure, nothing. The innocence of my poor child was being contaminated by the house's wicked tales.

"I thought maybe Michael could see you today? I made some camomile tea and set up a picnic in the garden." She asked as hope infused her ancient eyes.

"No." I stated flatly, without my eyes leaving the wall.

"He needs a father in his life, Tate." She pleaded.

"Then go find another Travis. I'm not fit to be his parent. I am a monster, and me being around would just make him
more of one."

"It doesn't matter. He has seen you already. He knows who you are, so no matter how many men I bring into his life, he will still remember you as his dad."

"Can't you jus tell him someone else is his dad? He's young, he will cooperate."

"Darling, this was your mistake. You must take responsibility despite your
circumstances." She stated bitterly, and made her way out.


*Violets POV*

"Do you want to talk about it?" I asked knowing this was a sensitive spot for both him and I.

"I just...I don't know what got into me when I did those horrible things...and I don't think I can be responsible for my actions. I feel like everytime I try to do something right, I just screw it up again." He bawled as his fists covered his eyes.

I was never much of a comforter, so I awkwardly rubbed his back. "We all make mistakes, Tate. It's how we deal with them that matters. I think you should see Michael. He can be your second chance. You can make him the man you wanted to be."

"How do you always come up with the right thing to say?" He stated sweetly, while recent tears clung to his cheeks like wax. "I love you,Vi, so much." He exclaimed as he wrapped his hand around mine, and then planted a kiss onto it.

Suddenly, we heard the front door slam, notifying us that the Brooks were home.

"I have to go actually." I said quickly. "I'll be right back, okay?" I smiled, and leaned down for kiss.

"Be quick!" He pleaded, while he set up the Monopoly game.


*Parks POV*

"Violet, I know you're there." I exclaimed while I set out my school books onto my desk.

"Hey..."She stated awkwardly as she plopped down onto the edge of my bed.

"So are you going to tell me why you acted so strange the other day?" I noted, turning around to face her.

She looked more gorgeous each time I saw her. Her loose curls bounced at the top of her shoulders, while she wore a long, dark dress with black Doc. Martens to match. She didn't even wear makeup, which made my heart swell even bigger at her natural beauty.

"I had to leave." She said swiftly, avoiding my eye contact.

"Yeah, right." I laughed as I made my way to the spot next to her. I grabbed hold of her hand gracefully. "You know you can tell me anything, right."

She quietly nodded. "I left because-" She started, but was interrupted by my forceful lips. Her mouth tasted like cherries, but before I could get another taste I was quickly shoved off.

"Vi, wait. I'm sorry!" I exclaimed as she raced out of the room.

God, I was such an idiot.


*Violets POV*

"I left because-" I started, but then cut off by Park's needy lips.

What was going on? I thought I 'friendzoned' him. I thought him of all people would understand.

Suddenly, I saw a figure in the hallway while Parks lips were still latched onto mine.

It was Tate.



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