Part 19: Feelings

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(Kagome's P.O.V)

Inuyasha had finally told me he loved me and I told him that I loved him back. Nothing made me more happy that this.

I was still a little sore. Inuyasha stayed by my side to make sure that I didn't strain my wound open. Sango had said that it wasn't fully healed yet so I had to take it easy.

I wasn't allowed to lift things, I wasn't allowed to shoot my bow, actually I didn't know exactly what I could do. It started to get boring after a little while.

I wasn't ready to face my family. I didn't want them to know I had been hurt, but I knew that this wound would leave a nasty scar. Maybe I should just go home and not show them.

"Hey Kagome, how you feeling today?" Sango asked me.

"Fine. Doing a little thinking."

"You're thinking about you're family aren't you?"

"How'd you know?"

"Because I miss my family all the time. Just go see yours."


"Take Inuyasha with you."

"But what if he won't go with me?"

"Go anyway. I'm sure he'd follow if you left."

"Ok I guess I'll just have to talk to him."


(Inuyasha's P.O.V)

The sweetest scent hit me. I knew it was my Kagome. She always smelled so good.

I jumped down from the tree I was in and waited for her.

At first I could see the top of her head. Slowly, but surely, she started to come more into view.

When she was no more than five feet from me a dark figure appeared behind her.

"Kagome! Look out!"

She looked confused for a moment then turned around to see what was behind her.

The figure laid his hand on her shoulder and she screamed out of pain.

All my anger rushed at me. I started to run towards them, but right before my eyes they disappeared...

My Kagome was stolen from me again...


Guys I am so sorry I haven't updated in a while. my dad was in a really bad car wreck and I've had to help him lately. I promise ill try to update soon.

This one is coming to an end but I'm thinking of making a book two. what do you guys think? should I?

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