Part 9: Enter Lampoge

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(Inuyasha's P.O.V)

I had got her back. My Kagome was returned to me. Just as I went to pick her up she started to move on her own. I thought she was waking up, but her body was being lifted from the ground.

"Little half demon you have my mate. What are you doing with her?"

"Your what?! She isn't your mate! She's part of my group!"

"You have not claimed her. Therefore, she is not yours."

"You will not take her from me! She wouldn't go with you if she was awake!"

"She will wake soon and the great lampoge will mark her!"

"Lampoge? Wait, I've heard about you, your an immortal from the mainland. What are you doing so far from your home?" Miroku asked the demon.

"I heard of this strange priestess who dressed strangely from a half demon. He told me this girl could help me rule the world and she will do just that. Now little half demon I shall be taking this Kagome and she will become my mate."

"Damn wrong you stupid demon. (sorry for the language.) Kagome belongs with me and you will not take her from me."

I drew my sword. There was no way in the world that I was going to let this demon or immortal or whatever he is take Kagome away from me. She doesn't deserve to be hurt anymore.

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